Page 30 of A Storm Rises

“Do you know?” Avalynn readied herself for whatever secrets the maid would spill as her demeanor suggested she knew plenty.

Nia dropped to her knees. She took Avalynn’s hand and bowed her head. “There have been whispers of a Sublander with great powers that will usher in a new era in Faevenly.” Slowly, Nia’s head lifted. “Part fae, part human witch, the Only One will bring peace.”

Whispers. As a child, she had heard them but never again. No doubt, they were blocked by her palace and her duty. Now they were returning to her. Even Master Kragar spoke of them when he showed her the Shadowblood foxes. He warned that someone with innate gifts and powers would change Faevenly forever.

Her heart raced. The whisperings meant Mateo. Strong, yet gentle. Graceful like royalty. “He is the one… Mateo.” She was sure of it.

Nia nodded. “It is believed so. No one knows for sure. The High King and High Queen do not want that to happen. They deny it all. They fight to preserve what they have.”

Darkness encroached as the weight of a thousand shadows fell on her shoulders. “And I have to make sure he comes in last. Kill the bringer of peace for all of Faevenly.” Protect my family and my crown.

The maid whispered an assent. “As sure as the sun rises and falls, everything will change after the hunt.”

“And I will be ready for whatever happens.” She had to be. Her future depended on it.

Nia reached into her flowing white dress and withdrew a glass vial with green liquid. Avalynn recognized it right away…healing salve from the Green Falls. “Take this with you into the hunt in case you need it. Keep it hidden. The realm must preserve its princess at any cost.”

Avalynn wrapped her hand around the vial and held it tight. She hugged Nia, then said a silent prayer to the Sun, Moon, and Stars that the hunt would not see her needing the salve. Though something inside of her said she would.

Mateo’s hands trembled as he pulled on his dark-green pants. Many counted on him. His little sister Floriana, his father, Gareth’s sister Poppy… He shouldered the hope of all Sublanders. Now he had the beautiful yet devious Avalynn Stromm to worry about. What was she up to?

He tucked in his long-sleeved black shirt. Would she try to tempt him again? Her face and beautiful smile flashed through his mind. As much as he fancied her figure under that dress…that dress. He shook his head, clearing the Avalynn cobwebs—he had a job to do.

In the washroom, he threaded his black belt through the loops and focused on the prey. The Shadowblood Fox, not Avalynn Stromm. Nothing else mattered, not even Lady Verona’s and Rhyka’s lies about his parents. He pictured the fox in his mind’s eye. Sharp claws, dark beady eyes, a strong small body. Catching the creature would be a challenge, but he’d hunted fox before. This one should be no different.

His boots laced, he returned to the main room but stopped dead in his tracks. A white envelope rested on the floor. Now what? He scooped it up and pulled out the simple black-inked parchment. Protect Princess Avalynn. What in thunderation? He jerked his door open and studied the corridor. Nobody. More games—he was so sick of games!

Stepping back into his room, he crushed the note, chunked it against the wall, and then kicked it under the bed. Protect her? Not a chance. In order to succeed for his family and the Sublands, he needed to protect himself first. Not her, not anybody else. She was on her own.

He slammed his fists against the mattress. Focus. No distractions today. With a steady breath, he surveyed the forsaken bedchamber. Since he might not return, he started shoving his stuff inside his bag. With everything in, the last two items sat on the table near his bed. He added the black scarf his mother made for him. But his touch lingered on the cross. His father, Manny, whittled it. But what if he hadn’t? What if… He pushed it aside. Don’t believe their lies.

He held the cross close. He reminded himself of his father’s words. “Faith is a warrior.” He kissed the wooden cross, then slipped it deep into his pocket and patted it. “I am a warrior. The prize is mine.”

A knock at the door and Maid Nia entered with an air of formality. “Good morning.” She scanned the room and noticed his bag. “Your things are packed. Very good. Your bag will be gathered later and placed for safekeeping until after the hunt. Now, I will escort you to the receiving room for your breakfast, your hunt satchel, and your weapon of choice.”

He clutched his dagger sheathed at his waist. His father gave it to him when he was young, and he never hunted without it. “I already have my weapon.”

With pursed lips, she shook her head. “That is not the custom. Every hunter must choose one from those provided. Weapons from outside the palace are forbidden.”

He raised a brow. He had to use one provided by the Stromms? What a load of dung. They probably had a special weapon for the Sublands. One that was faulty and poorly made. “Someone should have mentioned the weapons rule.”

“My sincerest apologies.” Maid Nia lowered her head. “It is a long custom of the Summit Range Hunt. As a newcomer, I should have mentioned it to you.”

Another day at Stromm Palace, another Stromm rule change. Would they want his pants next? “That’s fine.” He added his dagger to his bag. “What will be my choices?”

“Dagger. Spear. Bow. Now, please.” She beckoned him forward. “We have a strict schedule.”

Maid Nia led him out of his wing, through the palace, and into the receiving room. Mateo found the room’s setup different from before. Guards in full gear lined the room. Tables were set up in the middle. One table contained a spread of fruit and bread. Another had five packed satchels. On the final table nested rows of weapons. Hawkeyed and resolute, Master Kragar guarded the weapons table, axe on his shoulder and at the ready.

Maid Nia faced Mateo. “This is where I leave you. All the blessings of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.”

“Thank you.”

Now, what was next? He had no idea until Avalynn and the other hunters strolled in. Avoiding eye contact with the princess, he followed their lead and served himself a plate of food. He sat away from them, eyes down, and ate quickly. She didn’t matter. Her fake alliance wasn’t going to work out for her.

When finished, he moved to the table with the satchels. Along with the other hunters, he grabbed one. It was fashioned from rough wool and didn’t weigh much. He resisted opening it for inspection, he could do that later. Swinging the bag over his shoulder, he snuck a glance at Avalynn. Her nose in the air, chin up, and eyes down. He huffed. Ice princess mode. He could not afford the distraction.

At the weapons selection, she picked a bow and arrow set. She slid them into the quiver at her back. No surprise there. He’d heard of her archery skills. Selene chose a spear, as did Eiric and Finnian.