Nia placed the green gown back on the hook. “What about this?” She showed her a deep gold sheath with a high neckline.
Avalynn shook her head. Her maidservant went in the wrong direction. She would need to be more specific. “I was hoping for something more…” She cleared her throat and circled her hands in front of her bosom. “Provocative?”
The younger maidservants giggled and clanked the vials that nearly spilled from their hands. Nia’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened. “Oh! Well, if that is your desire, then I know just the one.” With a twinkle in her eye, Nia held up a deep purple strapless gown. Lace with crystal accents adorned the plunging bodice, then cascaded down the voluminous skirt that sparkled like a regal sky at sunset. “Like this one, my lady?”
With a swallow, Avalynn nodded. The front plunged so deep she thought her parts would fall out. “Yes, like that.” But then she glanced down at her figure, second-guessing her decision. Flat chest. Few curves. Would she even look good in that? “Um…” A nervous chuckle escaped her lips. “Maybe that is not enough top-half material for me.”
“Nonsense.” Nia hung the dress. “You will shine like never before, and so will”—she moved her hands in front of her chest like Avalynn had—“these.”
This time, all of the maids burst out laughing, even Avalynn. Nia took her hand and led her to the vanity. “Let the maids apply your paints and fix your hair. The dress will come last.”
With a smile she nodded. “I am in your trust.” She knew they would work their hardest to make sure she looked perfect.
The dainty maidservants got busy. Using the pads of their delicate fingers, they applied hues of bronze and rose to her cheeks, blending the shades together as they accentuated her high cheekbones. When they finished, they moved to her eyes, coloring the lids with deep purples and browns. Next, they lengthened her lashes with a thick black pigment. Lastly, they painted her lips with a soft pink gloss that smelled like the sweetest nectar.
With her face the way they wanted, they moved to her thick dark hair. Brushing and braiding, they swept Avalynn’s locks up in the front, allowing delicate wisps to frame her face. The rest hung down the back in waves. With everything perfectly smooth and shiny, the team stepped away.
Placing her hands on Avalynn’s shoulders, Nia stopped her before she could turn to look. “Not yet. Your dress first.”
Nia and the maidservants set the frock on the ground. Avalynn stepped into place. Pulling it up, they fastened the crystal studs along the back. When finished, they moved aside.
Nia beamed with pride. “You may look now.”
When Avalynn saw her reflection in the mirror, she blinked. She had been to many galas, balls, and other royal events, primped from head to toe. But today’s session left her speechless. Her rough edges were polished, her features highlighted in all the right places. The colors on her cheeks and eyelids were rich and elegant. Her hair belonged on the head of a goddess. Her fingers rolled lightly down her cleavage, marveling at what she did not even realize she had. “You all have outdone yourselves.”
Nia took the finishing piece from the vanity—a platinum tiara with crystals, pearls, and gold-dipped leaves. She nestled it in Avalynn’s thick dark hair and stepped back. “There she is.” Nia and the others bowed. “Our queen.”
Down the corridor she went, her insides rattling like a clanging bell. As she neared the grand staircase, her ears filled with the violins’ soft strumming. What would Mateo think of her gown? Or her lips? An opus of fragrant florals tickled her nose. Would he even notice her? After the careful selection of her gown and all the work her attendants had done, he had better. Unless she had missed her mark, he would not be able to resist her.
Rounding the staircase’s landing, she nearly collided with Eiric. The bandage across his nose was gone, more than likely due to the palace healer providing him with salve from the Green Falls. His eyes darted to her neckline like a ravenous hawk before settling on her face.
“Avalynn. Princess.” He cleared his throat and bowed. “You are most lovely tonight. It would be my honor to escort you into the ballroom.”
Oh, this was good. Courtiers always desired what they could not have. She smiled, knowing Mateo would surely be no different. “That would be lovely, Eiric.” She took his outstretched hand, and together they made their entry into the ballroom.
The scene unfolded in opulence—a symphony of sights and sounds of the most royal and privileged dignitaries in all of Faevenly. Ornate vases of gold and silver showcased the garden’s roses, gardenias, and lilies. Gilded arches and towering columns adorned with intricately carved flowers and leaves lined each side of the space. Circular tables with the finest white linens, perfectly polished silverware, gold-edged plates, and dazzling centerpieces dotted the outer edges of the dance floor. Sparkling crystal chandeliers lit by purple-hued candles and floating orbs dotted the celestial heights. They cast a warm glow on the polished marble floor.
The string quartet played, accompanying the festive chatter that filled the air. Magnificent ball gowns rustled, and the dancers’ rhythmic tapping became lost in the evening’s splendor.
Eiric wasted no time. “I would be honored to have your first dance, my princess.”
Walking in with Eiric? Sure. No problem. But giving him the first dance? No way. Scrambling for a reply, she spotted Lily on the room’s other side. Nearby stood Mateo, in the corner by himself, wearing black pants, a white shirt, and a long black coat. Hands in his pockets, he turned away from the festivities and stared through the streak-free windows along the back wall. This was her opportunity, and she pounced.
“Oh…” She waved at Lily while she glanced at Eiric. “I see my little sister and must speak with her. Perhaps another time.”
His shoulders slumped, and then he bowed. “Of course. I will look for you later, then.”
She left Eiric while his last words lingered, working her way through the buzzing crowd. Her true target, Mateo, must have sensed her approach. His neck slowly swiveled. He turned and faced her. A subtle catch in her breath betrayed the impact of being so close to him.
“Hello, Mateo,” she said, breathless. His lip was stitched, and he wore a bandage near his eye, yet he was still striking. Maybe even more so.
“Princess.” He nodded and kept his steely eyes on hers, not bothered by her strategically selected gown. “What insults would you choose for me this evening?”
She had several in mind, none of which advanced her goal—teaming up with him. She settled for a demure smile. “No insults. Quite the opposite.” She straightened her shoulders and showed off her gown’s seductive cut. Why was he not daring even a peek? “I came to offer my apologies.” She paused for a reaction. He gave none. “And, my first dance.”
Never in a thousand lifetimes would she have dreamed of asking a Sublander to dance. Looks be damned, he was not worthy. Worse, he was taking too long to reply. Heat surged through her cheeks at his silent refusal. “Forget it.” Pompous little lowborn.
She spun on her heels. But then he grabbed her arm. The touch sent a shiver down her spine, igniting a fire that blazed within her. A fire she desperately tried to ignore whenever he was near. She turned to face him, and their eyes locked. For a heartbeat, the world around them ceased to exist. It was just her and him and their magnetic pull. She had never felt this way around another.