Would the ice princess join their devious designs? Probably. Highborn scum always stuck together. He’d have to wait and see to know for sure.
After his last bite, he searched for an empty basin or other receptacle for his dirty dishes. Nia scurried over. “I will take that for you.”
Of course, she would. “Thank you.”
“You are welcome. When you are ready, I will show you to the training circle in the garden, where Master Kragar will meet you later.”
He did not need an escort. “No, thank you. I think I can find it myself.” In the night, Mateo had passed a large grassy circular area set up for archery practice, so he knew where to go.
She half bowed to him. “Very well. Enjoy your day, then.”
He made his way toward the exit and passed the other hunters. “Lowborn scum,” a male voice hissed.
Mateo froze. He slowly turned around. “Which one of you highborn leeches said that?” He hoped someone would answer. He was more than ready to let out his frustration.
Selene’s eyes grew wide. The other two hunters crossed their arms and remained silent.
He patted the dagger sheathed at his side. “Cowards.” Of course, the highborn would not back up his words with actions. Mateo began walking away when a chair slid across the floor with a screech.
Eiric rose with his chest puffed out. “There are no cowards at my table, lowborn.”
He smiled and sauntered over. Today was his lucky day. He got up in the highborn’s smug face. “I think there are.” He jammed his finger against Eiric’s chest and pushed. “And you are the biggest one.”
The silver-haired hunter swung. Mateo sidestepped in a flash, backhanding Eiric with a punch to the nose, sending a spray of garnet-red blood into the air.
Mateo smirked. “Hey, we bleed the same color.”
Finnian sprang to his feet. Mateo readied himself to face the beefy hunter when Eiric hurled a chair against his back, allowing Finnian to double-punch him in the face. Mateo spun, chairs flying. He landed on Selene, who grabbed her fork and stabbed at his hand. He pulled away in the nick of time.
“Too slow,” he sneered.
Pushing himself away from her, Mateo spat out a wad of blood. He eyed Eiric and Finnian. Two against one—no problem. He could take them. He charged when someone grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him to a halt.
“Enough!” Master Kragar’s booming voice filled the room. “No fighting in the palace!”
Mateo backed away, hands in the air. “I was not fighting.” He glanced at Eiric, who was holding his nose. “Only making friends. Right?”
“Out!” Master Kragar yelled. He jerked his thick thumb toward the exit and shook his head. “If you are finished with your nourishment, Sublander, then take your leave.”
“My name is Mateo.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, staring down at the dwarf. “Mateo Vela of the Sublands.” The dwarf should have learned the name by now.
Kragar’s lip curled. “Out of here before it is too late for you.”
Mateo eyed the hunters. Adding Kragar to the mix would make for terrible odds. He’d have to settle the fight with Eiric and Finnian during the hunt. As for Kragar, he made a mental note…maybe another time.
Mateo tipped his head. “See you all later, then.”
Avalynn’s door burst open as she gathered up her boots, and Lily dashed in. The young princess wore a bright, shining face. Her eyes sparkling. “Mateo got in a fight.”
“What? With whom?” Avalynn asked, her mind jumbled at the surprising news.
“The other hunters.”
She sat on the bed’s edge and slipped her tall black boot over her black pants. She was still processing what her little sister had said.
Nia swept through the doorway next, dressed in white. Her slippers flitted across the floor. Her eyes shimmered. “My lady?—”
Avalynn finished the maid’s thought. “The Sublander was in a fight, I know.”