Page 63 of A Storm Rises

“We have nothing to worry about,” Lysandra sneered. The High King knew nothing about strategy. All he was good for was doling out intimidating glares and brutal handiwork. “The girl knows nothing. She always had her head in the clouds and paid little attention to the palace updates. Remember?”

“That is true,” he agreed. “Worthless and unworthy.”

She glanced at the fading cut on her arm. Her speedy fae healing had all but erased the mark. Yet rage simmered inside of her at the reminder of the abduction of her prince. Her offspring. How dare someone force her to endure a lowborn impostor in her palace for eighteen years. The audacity. “As for what we will do about her? Nothing. She will come to us. And then we will deal with her.”

She had Mateo and would use his love for Avalynn to her advantage. The spark in his eye at the mention of her name was enough to make him weak and vulnerable. Like a foolish Sublander. She needed to bring out his Stromm-ness. It was in there, they had seen many glimpses. It merely needed to be unburied.

“And the Sublanders? The ones who performed the dastardly deed of switching one of theirs for one of ours? We were robbed of our son!” The king leaned forward, eyebrows tightly furrowed. He hurled his goblet into the fire then balled his hands into fists. Between clenched teeth he seethed. “We must find those responsible. Someone must pay for this injustice.”

“Oh, we will find them, and they will pay. Every last one. The entire Sublands province will pay. They will still be banished. The ones that survive the Dragon’s Bellow, that is. The hunt may have ruined our plans, but we will find another way. The light will come to me.” Like it always did.

“I have no doubt, my Queen,” he agreed in a much calm voice, then crossed his arms.

Lowering his voice, Raelor scooted to the edge of his seat. His diamond eyes dimmed to a sinister glow. “And what of the prophecy of the Only One?” His voice lowered even further. “Do you think this person is Avalynn?”

She had no doubt the person existed, and she fully suspected it was Avalynn. Why else would she have been hidden within her palace walls? And then later abducted away? There was more to Avalynn than they knew.

The Queen took a long drink of her wine. “Do as I say, when I say, and then all will be well.” She grew tired of their questions and failures of foresight. “Only One or not, House Stromm will remain on top.”