“Wow,” she breathed. “Faevenly is beautiful. But this, this is something else entirely.”
“It is, my love.” Her mother squeezed her hand. “But this is as far as your father and I can go. Your grandmother, Celyse, is in the water not much further ahead, at the shallow end. She will give you what you need and tell you what you need to know.”
There was a tale there, how her grandmother ended up in the lake, but now was not the time for that.
Her mother and father wrapped her in their arms. They held her for something that seemed like an eternity, but was really only seconds. “You are so strong, my beautiful girl,” her father said. “Do not forget that.”
Gabriela stepped back. She kissed each cheek and then touched the cross around Avalynn’s neck. “Faith is a warrior.”
“It is,” she whispered.
She left her parents and continued along the edge of the water. A soft breeze whisked about her, sifting through her long brown and white strands. She wasn’t quite sure how the waters worked but thought she should take off her slippers. Kicking them aside, she edged her toes into the water, finding the lake to have the perfect cool temperature. She walked in until the water covered her ankles. A few more paces in, a glint and a gleam beneath the water's surface caught her eye. She edged closer. A beautiful woman under the glassy surface, with silver strands and a blue dress, came into view. She appeared ethereal and magical, and she held a sword in her hands.
Avalynn gasped. Of all the magical things she had seen, this outshone all the others. “Celyse. My grandmother.”
The woman opened her green eyes and gazed at her with timeless affection. “I am her. Princess Celyse of House Strong. Betrothed to Julio Avila, a powerful witch from the human realm. Mother to Princess Gabriela. Grandmother to you, Princess Avalynn.” She opened and closed her eyes. “I knew your name before it was ever spoken, and I have been waiting for this moment for the fortnight’s eternity.”
Avalynn neared, not knowing what to say or do. “I am so honored to meet you.”
She smiled and tipped her head. With her brows slightly lifted, she said, “Beautiful Avalynn, Only One. It is you who will unite the human and fae bloodlines once and for all. As the last remaining heir of House Strong, and with your innate human witch abilities, you walk both realms. It is upon you to step into your destiny. You shall not turn away from this sacred duty.”
She extended the sword. It broke through the water with a slice, sending droplets of water dripping from it like a cascade of a thousand diamonds. Blue etchings that lined the black onyx blade glinted under the bright sun. The hue snaked its way up into the guard and gathered at the blue-gemmed pommel.
Avalynn’s hands shook, and she gaped. The power from the blade coursed through the air like a magical current, every hair on her body standing on edge. She reached out. She slipped her hand around the grip and held on as a blast of blue exploded around her, covering her sight like a charged fog.
With a gasp, she opened her eyes. Her body was back in Mateo’s bedchamber, lying on the bed. Her hands gripped the sword’s hilt that rested on her chest. She gulped and looked into Lady Sonia’s anxious eyes. “I…did it.”
Lady Sonia smiled back. “You did.”
She and Lady Sonia returned to the room where Manny, Floriana, and Camilla were waiting. Their eyes widened when they saw the black and blue sword.
“The Only One,” Floriana whispered.
The sword felt natural in Avalynn’s hand, as if it had been with her, its true owner, her whole life. Her spirit and this sword said she was invincible. She moved it from one hand to the other. She would not turn from her duty. She would fulfill her destiny and unite the two realms.
The love of her life awaited death in a dungeon. She was the Only One and would not be stopped.
“Let’s go get Mateo.”
High Queen Lysandra Stromm closed Mateo’s bedchamber door with a soft touch. With her chin held high and her shoulders pushed back, she clasped her hands together in front of her and made her way to the private library in her wing of the palace.
Her newfound son was eating out of the palm of her hand like a lost puppy. With wide eyes, he hung on to her every word, like a stray seeking comfort and security from its newfound owner. Poor thing. She could not imagine the atrocities of living he must have endured in the dreaded Sublands. To not have any luxuries or wealth at all. She shuddered. Why he would ever want to return to that way of existence was beyond her. She needed to make sure he had everything his heart desired for him to remain. As their only male heir, her bloodline and the future of House Stromm depended on it.
She swept into the library. Floor-to-ceiling rich wood bookshelves filled with ancient texts, maps, and journals of Faevenly’s stories and histories lined the four walls. A thick rug of red and gold with flowers and leaves covered the dark marble floors. The High King and Raelor the witch were waiting as instructed. They sat on the curved plush chairs in front of the crackling fire and rose to their feet when she entered.
“Sit,” she commanded with a wave.
“Did all go well?” her High King mate Sylrick asked as he settled back into his seat. He had changed from his ceremonial threads into a simple silver tunic with black satin pants. One leg crossed over the other, his half empty goblet dangled from his thick fingers. “How does he seem?”
Raelor eased into his seat too, but kept his tongue and waited for her reply. Always plotting, that one. As long as it served her, she did not mind. Though he should have detected Avalynn’s deception. And Maid Nia’s too for that matter. Why must she do everything?
She went to the small table near the fireplace and poured herself a goblet full of red wine. “He is better than well.” Her son craved his family like a desert wanderer desired an oasis. “It will not be hard at all to keep him here.” She sipped the sweet liquid while facing Raelor. “Did you and Marina send the seeds and the food as I instructed?”
Raelor tipped his head. “We have.” His grin grew and curled at the edges. “And I have arranged for their most unfortunate and untimely destruction along the way. With none the wiser.” He closed his eyes and nodded. “You can truthfully say that the High Queen made good on her promise to her son.”
“Very good, Raelor.” Finally, he’d done something right. She still could not believe Maid Nia had been aligned with the Sublanders and had gone detected by the witch after all these years. Sometimes he was more trouble than he was worth.
The High King shifted in his seat. “What will we do about Avalynn? Now that we know she is a lowborn and possesses much information about our lives and palace business, something must be done about her.”