Another dragon’s roar—so close this time her body shook and her teeth chattered. Faster, she pumped her arms and prayed to the Sun, Moon, and Stars with each stride. With wings outstretched, the dragon soared over the tall trees. It cast an ominous shadow while following them.
Avalynn sensed safety in one place and one place only. “The cave! Get to the cave!”
Turning at the fork in the path, she spotted the protective chamber. “Hurry!” With Stormshroud ahead and Mateo at her side, they dove through the cave’s mouth. Her face hit the dirt with a smack. Spitting dust, she rolled over. She took stock of her companions. Mateo. Stormshroud. Finnian? “Where is Finnian?”
Mateo swallowed and said through ragged breaths, “Behind me.”
She clambered to her feet and saw Finnian’s muscular frame pounding their way. “Come on, Finnian!”
The dragon descended. Its long claws reached down and snatched Finnian, lifting him like a helpless puppet.
She dashed out of the cave. “Finnian!”
Mateo raced toward her. “Nooo!”
But it was too late. The dragon jetted upward, kicked its wings back, and then dive-bombed, mouth open, red fire bubbling in its throat. She and Mateo grabbed each other and fell to the ground.
She slammed her eyes shut. Mateo—the Only One—they needed his power. She clutched him and squeezed. Now. Now. Now. An image of blue light flooded her mind. A swathe of protection, a peaceful yet powerful sensation. Her body warmed, and her insides tingled. A pleasing glow swirled in her stomach like a summer sun.
He was doing it!
She cracked open an eye. Blue, all around like an electric sky, and beyond the haze roared an inferno. She looked toward Mateo, but his gaze fixed on her.
His mouth hung open. “It’s you.”
“Me?” She looked down at her hands. Electric blue swirled from her palms and spread around her and Mateo. She was doing this? She was really releasing the light?
The dragon screeched and then soared out of sight. The blue power around them dissolved. Avalynn struggled for air. Her head spun like an ancient windmill. A cold rush flowed from her head to her toes.
Mateo held her. “How did you do that?”
“I, uh…” Weakness sapped her words. The searing pain at her back registered. The fox had jumped her and raked its nails down her back. Her adrenaline from the dragon attack must have numbed her injuries. With the threat gone, the pain plowed deeper.
Stormshroud whimpered and circled Avalynn. Mateo brought her in close. “Are you okay?”
She studied his long dark hair, steely gray eyes, and perfectly chiseled face. Beautiful. Irritating. “Do I look okay?” She slumped onto his chest.
He wrapped his arms around her. “Thunderation. You are bleeding…but yes. You look like a thousand sunrises all at once.”
She smiled, then struggled to form words. She had powers and deflected the dragon’s blast. But she could not heal her possibly fatal wounds. “The fox… its claws…” Without the proper attention, she would soon see the Enbarr and never again lay eyes on breathtaking Mateo.
Gently, he laid her on the ground, cradling her head with a soft touch. “What do I do?”
She swallowed as her vision dimmed and her eyes closed. “You win. If it had to be anybody else, I’m glad it’s you.”
Mateo panicked. Avalynn had powers. She saved them from the dragon. Now she was dying from a claw wound? Master Kragar had mentioned the Shadowblood’s claws could contain poisonous toxins. Perhaps she got injected by one of those deadly claws.
He touched the side of her neck. Her heartbeat thumped ever so softly, but still steady. Avalynn was beautiful both inside and out. He responded to her in a way he had never known. But she was a Stromm. A highborn. An enemy. He needed to win the hunt. Saving her could ruin that. But he didn’t care. His mother was gone. His father and Floriana struggled. His heart said enough death.
Avalynn must live.
Stormshroud whimpered. She sniffed Avalynn’s face and then dragged her smooth, wet tongue across her cheek. She nudged Mateo and pawed him, digging her thick nails into his arm as if pleading for him to do something. He patted her head. “I know, girl.”
“Who’s calling me girl?”
Mateo warmed at the sight of Avalynn’s eyes opening. “You’re okay.”
She shook her head and winced. “I need help.”