Page 2 of A Storm Rises

The princess’s head fell back. “When you have no other choice, you must share my letter with the child. You know where it is, right?” Gabriela motioned toward a glass of water on the bedside table.

“I do, my lady.” Gidna held the glass to her lips. “I know the spot.”

The princess took several small sips and then waved the glass away. “Do not use the Strong or Avila name for my child. Tell Manny he must keep the child and raise my baby using only his name—Vela.”

“Yes, my princess. Of course, I will do as you command until my heart’s last beat.”

“If the Kanes or their allies learn that Leaf and I conceived a child…” She groaned, and her voice lowered. “Assuming our baby lives, they will stop at nothing to kill it. Their hatred for me and my family runs deep. They do not want the prophecy realized.”

Fifteen years ago, Gidna was present when Gabriela and Leaf abandoned Strong Haven and moved to the Sublands. Her heart hurt at the memory of that awful day. Though over time they had all grown to love the red and rocky province. “I will protect and defend your child with my life. Manny will, too. We all will.”

Gabriela moaned and shifted to her other side, her purple nightgown wet and clinging to her tanned skin. “Trust only in Manny and Lady Sonia. No one else.”

“No one else,” Gidna repeated the command.

Outside, the day was closing, the sun’s golden hues giving way to the dusky colors of twilight. Shadows stretched across the dull and dirty stone floor as finality settled in Gabriela and Leaf’s simple bedchamber. With each passing minute, Gidna’s hope for Lady Sonia’s timely arrival and her lady’s salvation waned.

Like the setting sun, Gabriela would soon face her final moments. Gidna could see it in the princess’s paling skin and hear it in her failing breaths.

But for the baby…there was still hope. Gidna rubbed the cross and prayed for a miracle. “For peace in Faevenly, let this child survive.”

Over the distant hills and drifting through High Meadow, the raven’s message arrived on a chilly gust of wind. Hurry home. A flush of heat and Leaf’s stomach roiled. He yanked the reins. “Silverhoof, home!”

Silverhoof’s muscles tensed. She clamped the bit, steam bursting from her flaring nostrils as she jetted forward.

Leaf crouched low and leaned forward as the muscles of the powerful steed bounced beneath him. The rushing wind forced his eyes into a squint while the landscape of High Meadow zoomed past. With each strike of Silverhoof’s hooves, he drew closer to the rocky Sublands.

Hurry home.

Gabriela and their unborn child were in trouble. He knew it. His heart quivered. His chest knotted like a ball of breeding snakes. He should have never left. If something happened to them, he would never forgive himself. He prayed to the Sun, Moon, and Stars that he would make it home in time.

But the worst scenarios always seemed to find them.

“Hold on, my love.” Tears slipped from the corners of his eyes. “Please, hold on.”

Silverhoof weaved her way around tall trees and thick underbrush. She leaped over jagged boulders and skimmed across glistening streams. Any faster and Silverhoof would have taken flight. She loved Gabriela too and must have sensed the danger.

The greenery and colorful wildflowers of High Meadow thinned. The red and orange desert landscape of the Sublands took over. A sliver of hope entered Leaf’s heavy heart. “Almost there!”

But something else entered and resided within him—a long ago binding from the wicked Draven Midlothian.

The fae witch had almost conquered Faevenly when Gabriela and her human witch abilities and blue energy power ended Draven. But that victory came at great cost. Many died during that uncertain and tumultuous time. Leaf almost met his end too, but Gabriela saved him. That selfless act linked their souls forever.

A tickle of cold gathered at the top of Leaf’s head. Like an icy tendril, the sensation trailed through his body and down to his feet, sapping his energy. Listless, he slumped over, gasping and clutching his chest. He knew what was happening.

Gabriela was dying…and so was he, and there wasn’t anything he could do to change that.

He threaded his fingers through Silverhoof’s long mane. Although Leaf lacked the power to tug the thick, coarse hair, the trusty steed knew what he needed. Silverhoof slowed to a standstill. Her head hung low, and her ears drooped. She stomped her hooves and neighed.

Leaf slipped his boots from the stirrups. He slid from his mount, his face smacking against the cold, rocky ground with a thud. This was it. He would never rise and retake that saddle.

Silverhoof whinnied and lowered herself one leg at a time. She inched closer and nudged her soft, warm muzzle against Leaf’s fast-freezing cheek. Silverhoof gave him a gentle, loving nudge.

“I cannot.” Leaf stared into the steed’s violet eyes. “I am sorry, my friend.”

Silverhoof’s head swayed and then snuggled against Leaf.

“We shall meet again in the Passing Place. But not yet. You must find Gabriela. She and our baby need you. You must go to them. You must protect them.” Leaf tried to prod Silverhoof but could not lift his hand. “Go home, my friend. Help our princess. Be quick.”