Page 64 of Caught Stealing

“Oh, you two are going to pay for that.” I manage to unhinge the door and get down the three little stairs before Lottie realizes I’m after her. She squeals and runs but even without shoes, I’m faster than her. I’m inches away from catching her when two of the biggest teenage boys on the planet step between us. They’re a wall I’m not getting around, and I notice they both wear tees representing the school’s football team.

Lottie peeks over their shoulders and sticks her tongue out at me. “Ha, ha. Can’t get me now.”

The linebackers smirk and protect their teacher, which impresses me in ways I can’t explain. I’m about to attempt an evasive maneuver but think twice about it. If they tackle me, it’ll be more than my shoulder out for the count.

“Lottie!” A shout from my right distracts all of us but it puts a sour expression on Lottie’s face. The two guys have turned their attention from me to something else—a gaggle of girls giggling over cute stuffed animals—and go about their business.

“Hey, Lots!” a man calls again.

When the man gets closer, I realize it’s Rory Elsher. Lottie glances between us and palms her cheeks. She’s either embarrassed or nervous, but I can’t tell which. It’s not my place to listen in or even try to pull her away from him, especially since she said she planned to make sure he knew he was kicked to the curb.

“Well, that’s all the tickets for this event. Want to take me for a hot dog?” Destiny offers her arm, her way of distracting me from whatever is about to happen between Charlotte and her ex. Either that, or it’s a nice way of saying it’s none of my business.

Despite being soaked, I let her link her arm with mine and slip on my shoes before heading over to the concessions stand. I buy us both some hot dogs and she leads me to a picnic table where Koa is already entertaining the school’s physical education instructor. The two only glance at us when we sit but Destiny dives right into a conversation.

“She’s not going back to him. You don’t have to worry.” She douses her hot dog with mustard and nibbles a bite.

I look over to where Lottie and Rory are still standing by the dunk tank and frown. Lottie is nodding while Rory is making some sort of presentation to her, moving his hands around in explanation. Lottie smiles and tucks her hair back, revealing those freckles. “Well, it doesn’t look like she hates the guy right now.”

“Of course not. We’re at a school fundraiser and a lot of parents here like the guy. He’s done some volunteer work for local schools, including this one, so she’s not going to make a spectacle. He knows that too.”

“So he’s taking advantage of the situation,” I grumble.

“Possibly, but he does care about these kids. Chances are, he’s legitimately here to see if he can help.” She wipes a smear of mustard from her face and shoots him a glare. “I hate to say it, but I do think he regrets his mistake.”

“Hate? How so?”

“Well, for one he hurt my friend for no reason at all. His regret only seems to make it harder for her. You should know by now she’s not one to stomp all over people’s feelings. But that aside, it’s going to be difficult for him to repair his reputation once the truth comes out. And it will. It always does.”

I grumble some kind of reply even I can’t make out.

Destiny chuckles. “Listen, I don’t like the guy either but that doesn’t mean he’s meant to be hated forever. God gives us so much grace, we need to learn to forgive. Lottie likes you, Andrew, but she isn’t going to want Rory to suffer. She’ll end it her way. With grace and patience.”

I don’t know why, but knowing he’s helped with things like this makes me jealous. It’s dumb, but I can’t help it. I feel like I’m losing in the nice guy department, and there is literally zero reason that should be. I have an advantage over him. I know how to keep my hands to myself when she’s not around, unlike him, but Destiny isn’t wrong. People do make mistakes, and if no one ever forgives them, then we’re hypocrites.

“Eat and stop worrying. I told you, she cares for you, Andrew. She’s just not the kind of woman who likes to make a big scene. She’ll make sure he knows it’s over, but if you’re expecting her to do something drastic to prove that point, then you’ll be disappointed.”

Her statement is almost scolding in tone and I’m not too dense to figure out why. She's right. I should know Lottie well enough by now to know that what Destiny says is true. Lottie isn’t going to blow up and freak out on the guy. Shame blooms on my cheeks and I sigh.

“I guess you’re right. I can’t help feeling like I only have the smallest grip here and I could lose it at any moment.”

Destiny finishes off her hot dog and takes a sip of water. “Don’t do that. You being you is what drew her in to begin with. If you start acting like a different person, she’ll second-guess you.”

I glance back over to the dunk tank and notice that neither Lottie nor Rory are anywhere to be found. Destiny bites her lip and I’m just about to ask her what’s got her giggly when two petite hands cover my eyes.

“Guess who?”

Oh, thank goodness. This woman has me so twisted up, I never even saw or heard her coming. “Mmm…my date for tonight?”

“Ding, ding, we have a winner!” Lottie removes her hands and sits beside me before stealing a few of my fries.

“What did doofus want?” Destiny asks and glances at me as if she’s about to prove her point.

Lottie’s lips turn down and she shakes her head. “I messaged him last night to tell him we could meet this week to talk, and he took that to mean showing up here to help with the carnival was a good idea. I put him in charge of the bounce house.” She waves it off as not a big deal and I remind myself of what Destiny said. She’s not going to make it a public affair. “I told him I’d let him know when I was free, but he still wanted to help. You know him.”

Destiny shrugs. “I guess. At least it’ll bring in more money. I’m glad it didn’t cause a scene.”

“Oh gosh, me too. I want the kids and parents to feel comfortable here today. Even with Mr. Dawson paying to repair the roofs, we still have a lot to raise.” Lottie nibbles another fry and I swallow my pride.