Page 52 of Caught Stealing

“She didn’t have to run off. I can call you later if you want to talk to your sister.” Andrew shifts on the bed and brings the phone a bit closer to his face.

“She has to get back anyway. She drove up from Jacksonville to tell me that her husband got a transfer to Savannah. We’ve been hoping they could move close, and it’s finally going to happen.”

“That is awesome. I’m really happy for you, and I might have some news that will make you smile even more.”

“Oh, do tell.” I lean on one hand and prop the phone on my massive planner.

“I managed to get a video meeting with Quade Dawson today, one of the team owners, and he’s not going to donate money.”

I frown. I get it, not everyone wants to donate funds to a school they’ve never even seen. I can’t figure out how this is supposed to make me happy though.

“Don’t frown at me yet. He’s not donating money because he’s going to outright pay for new roofing on all of the buildings.”

I jolt so fast I knock my phone over. After adjusting it, I blink a few times. “Wait, what did you say?”

“He and his brothers want to fund the roofing for every building on campus.”

The fact that we need new roofs never even came up during the meeting. I can’t figure out how he would know that information, especially since we had given up hope on raising enough for that early in our planning. The best we hoped for was that the insurance company might offset some of the expense.

“Dawsons do their homework. I have no idea how he found out, but he’s fronting it all. Six buildings, done and done. Actually, he’s probably in a meeting with your headmaster about it right now.”

It isn’t often I’m speechless, but I can’t think of a single thing to say. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough after the lengths this man has gone to for my school. For me. I don’t think it’s because he’s trying to impress me or reel me in. He’s done it because he’s a decent, good man who cares about his community.

“Andrew, I…don’t…know what to say. This is amazing. It’s so much more than we could have asked for, and…I just thank you so much.”

Andrew’s expression softens. “You don’t have to thank me. It isn’t my money, but that said, I’m happy to do whatever is needed. I grew up at a crummy school, and a lot of kids didn’t have as bright a future as I did. I want to give back, that’s all.”

“Well, I’m lucky to have you in my corner. I want you to know that. And I might miss you a little,” I say with an eye roll. This earns a deep laugh that sends chills down my spine.

“I might miss you a little, too.” He sits more forward. “I actually miss you a lot but I’ve gotta get ready for the next game. See you in a couple of days?”

“Yeah. Absolutely. I wish your team luck tonight.”

His expression sours but he doesn’t elaborate. “That makes two of us. Bye, Lottie.”

“Bye,” I whisper. I want to ask what brought out the sudden expression change, but I don’t because he has things to do. That, and Headmaster Charles knocks on the doorframe of my classroom just as I hang up my phone. My smile makes a reappearance because I haven’t seen Headmaster Charles look so excited in a long time. “I assume you had a phone call from Mr. Dawson?”

“Charlotte, they’re going to pay to repair the roofs! Can you believe it?” He’s as downright giddy as an elderly man can be.

“I know. Andrew just told me. It’s certainly more than I expected, but God has blessed us.”

“It’s thanks to you, you know. I almost shot down the idea of a carnival, but if it’s successful we have a very hopeful future. We might even be able to offer more scholarships. Won’t that be astounding?”

My heart warms. “Very much so, yes.” The bell rings indicating our break is over and students will be rushing in to learn statistics. Actually, they’ll be rushing in to ask me a hundred questions about the status of my friendship with Andrew, then I’ll remind them that their teacher’s personal life is not up for discussion and bore them with new homework.

“Well, I’ll let you get back to it, but I thank you again for all of your hard work. These kids and this school are lucky to have you.” He nods, adjusts his glasses, and disappears down the hallway as students make their way to their seats.

Only two more classes and I’m free for the evening. Unfortunately, I won’t get to see Andrew, but I will get to see my best friends for another impromptu dinner. Things are looking great, and I can’t wait to update them on all things Andrew Rossi.

“You mean he managed to convince you to go to one of his games?” Josie asks and shares a quick glance with Amelia, then both look at Carmen. She only shrugs, so Josie turns her attention back to me. “The last we spoke, you were writing him off because he’s an athlete, and now you’ve had not one but multiple dates with the guy? Including going to one of his practices?”

I shrink in my seat while Rafael refills our glasses. Delmonico’s is busy tonight, but there was no chance we’d miss out on getting together again. Twice in one month is unheard of, but discussions of my love life are just too juicy for them to ignore.

“She went to a practice. Not a game with other fans, but a practice,” Amelia adds for emphasis. “That’s pretty serious. Isn’t it?”

“I think we were about to kiss too, then the backup pitcher interrupted us. But yeah, it got intense there for a minute.” My cheeks burn and I press my palms to them.

Carmen giggles and swirls a lemon in her water. “She’s smitten. Look at her! Aren’t you glad I stole that business card and enrolled you on that dating app now?”