Page 44 of Caught Stealing

“All right. There are towels in the trunk. You’re lucky I don’t care about this car as much as the others,” Koa says.

“The others?” I can’t hide my surprise as he brushes off the potential ruining of very expensive leather seats.

Koa doesn’t say anything more than a little nod.

“His family is affluent,” Andrew says with finger quotes seemingly just to taunt Koa.

Koa throws a towel and a pair of shoes at Andrew and hands him another set of keys. He hands a giant, fluffy towel to me. “First of all, you're lucky I always carry a spare key. Second, It’s not my fault my parents were born into wealth and I’ve inherited it. Now, are you going to take this shoeless woman home so I can get some sleep?”

“Yes, Dad.” Andrew pulls on Koa’s extra shoes. At least he’ll be able to drive, but my feet are going to be sad until we make it back to my place.

Once we have towels covering the seats, Koa disappears into the night again, leaving Andrew and me with a soggy, uncomfortable ride home. The salt air doesn’t seem so pleasant anymore, and I’m a little itchy thanks to sand in places it should never be. Still, I can’t stop rethinking those electrifying moments with Andrew. They’re seared into my memory banks right alongside his delicious scent and oh so beautiful smile.

Once we reach my house, I’m partially dry but also sticky from the salt. Ginger will commence with bathing me the second I step foot inside, but first…the awkward goodbye. Andrew walks me to my door where there is no porch light on since I hadn’t intended on being out so late. In the shadows cast by the moon, I try to hide my emotions which are plenty: fear, curiosity, embarrassment, and confusion among others.

“I had an amazing time with you, despite the hiccups.” He stands one step lower than me, putting us at eye level.

“I did too. Thanks for walking with me.”

“Even though we lost your shoes.” His breathy laugh warms my cheeks.

“Yeah, even though we lost my shoes.” My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much with him.

Now is the part when I’d expect a goodnight kiss, but we haven’t even had a first kiss yet. Yet? Whew, my mind is on a roller coaster with no signs of slowing down before hitting the bottom and bursting right off the tracks.

“Tomorrow then? We still on for the drum lesson?” The hope in his voice can’t be faked.

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea to give you another lesson with your shoulder healing,” I say, which earns me the sourest frown I have ever seen. “Don’t you frown at me. You need to rest your shoulder, and banging out on the drums will not help you get back in the game, hotshot.”

“I know. Can’t blame a guy for wanting to hang out with you though.”

I grin. “I never said I wouldn’t come over. Ginger has been driving me crazy, so maybe they can play in the yard and we can…I don’t know…Oh, you can help me come up with ideas for a school carnival!” My voice rises so high I almost squeal, but it makes him smile so I count it as a win.

“A school carnival?”

“Yeah, we need to raise a ton of money for repairs and new items for the school, so I thought a carnival might draw people in for some fun while they part with their money. I need ideas though. The headmaster won’t sign off on it until I give him a workable plan at our meeting. You up for a little brainstorming with me?”

“I’d love to. Want to come by early enough that we can grab breakfast?” he asks, then shakes his head. “Wait, I forgot I have practice in the morning. You can come by after if you want.”

“When is practice?”

“Early, so I should be able to get brunch with you if you don’t mind waiting. Does that work?”

I bite my lip. It’s time to see him in his element. If I want to know what he’s really like when he’s not just with me, then this is a good time. I can also decide if I can trust these feelings before I let them take me away to places that will only break my heart more if things go wrong. “Can I go to practice with you?”

I don’t blame him for the level of shock evident in his expression. I’m pretty surprised by my request as well.

“You want to go to practice? I won’t be doing anything but observing. I can’t.” His eyes narrow on me as if trying to read my mind. What are you thinking, Charlotte Clarke? Yeah, I’d like to know that myself.

I raise one shoulder. “Maybe you can help me gain a better understanding of the game. I only know the basics. It would make sense for me to have some understanding of your profession, right?”

Deeper confusion settles into lines on his forehead but rather than question my sudden interest in his sport of choice he says, “Sure, if you feel like showing up at my place around seven. Will Ginger be okay at my house while we’re gone?”

“Would it be too much trouble to swing by and get her after practice? I’m afraid they might get into neighborhood shenanigans alone for that long.”

“Nothing’s too much trouble for a friend.” He gives me a wink and opens his arms for a hug. I fall into his embrace but he doesn’t linger. He hugs me and releases me, no muss and no fuss, before jogging down the stairs. “Night, Lottie.” He calls over his shoulder while I step inside.

“Night Andrew.” He waves and falls into Koa’s car as I shut and lock my door.