Page 13 of Caught Stealing

“Do you?” she asks, her voice lilting almost as if she’s issued a challenge.

“Is that a taunt? Because I should warn you up front, I’m not good at losing. I’m up for any challenge, and I’m not easily dissuaded from my goals.”

She giggles. It’s feminine and fanciful. Is that a good word to describe a woman? Fanciful? I don’t know, but if it means she’s almost too good to be true, then that’s what I’m going with. I can’t say why she’s grabbed my attention so fast, but I like that we’re getting to know each other as Charlotte and Andrew, two thirty-somethings who haven’t had much luck finding love. And not a fan and a pro athlete, where I would question everything.

“Hmm, it could be a challenge. A girl does like to be pursued, after all. The question is, do you want it to be a challenge, Andrew?”

There goes my name again. In thirty-two years, no woman has ever said my name in such a knee-weakening manner. And yeah, I definitely want this to be a challenge. In fact, it might be the thing I need to accept my fate. My career is closing and the rest of my life needs purpose. I need to funnel that innate drive into something, or someone, else.

I hum and sigh. “Problem is, it’s difficult to accept a challenge when all I’ve got is a phone number and an app to impress you. I’m going to have to pull out all the stops on this one.”

“Sounds like you’ve had your fair share of dates.”

Oops. Yeah, it did sound that way. I have to correct this before I run aground and sink before it even has a chance.

“Nah, not really. A few here and there over the years.”

“Ah, well, in that case, I could be persuaded to go on a date. If it’s the right kind, you know.”

The right kind of date. Whew, this is a test, and I have a good feeling it’s one that I can completely bomb if I go about it the wrong way. Raiding my mind, I somehow end up thinking of my sister again. She once told me about her perfect date and why it was a dream to her—it took thought, planning, and a willingness to be completely in the moment with her rather than being distracted by something else.

“Would you be interested in a picnic in Forsythe Park?”

It’s early in this thing, and she’d wanted to message for a few days before an in-person date. A picnic is outdoors where she should feel safe with a lot of other people around. There’s a lot to see and do in the historic district, which I already know she likes. It includes a meal and conversation, and it isn’t an overdone kind of date. At least, I don’t think it is, but it’s been a while for me. I have to trust my sister on this one.

The quiet over the call is not encouraging. At least, not at first.

“Seriously?” she asks, but not with a tone that says she’s put off. It’s more shock.

“Yeah, sure. Doesn’t have to be right away. Maybe something to look forward to when you’re comfortable.”

“I’d love a picnic in the park. Who is packing, you or me? Statistically speaking, the odds are stacked against you if I pack. I’ve never been on a real picnic before so you’d be stuck with chips and fruit snacks. Although, I think fruit snacks are a highly underrated snack. Portable perfection even if they aren’t real fruit.”

A smile tugs at my lips. My request seems to have opened a floodgate of enthusiasm. With everything going on in my career, I forgot how nice it is to smile. Laugh. Enjoy the moment. And with her, I think there could be a lot of those moments. Assuming the app isn’t junk.

“I’m happy to pack lunch. I did ask you out, after all. I’ll be sure to add fruit snacks because you might be right. Portable fake fruit gobs are pretty good.”

“Don’t tease me about fruit snacks, Andrew. You’re looking at another strike by dissing my favorite lunch time munchie.”

“I would never. Fruit snacks, check. When is a good time for you?”

“Um, I can meet tomorrow if you want. Say, after school? Or would you rather do dinner?”

Hmm, good question. Right after school is the hotter part of the day. Suffer that or dinner when it’s cooler and there’s a possibility of a moonlight stroll? If we hit it off, I’m going to want to do the strolling, but if we don’t mesh, the heat is a good excuse to cut the picnic short. I’m probably thinking like a woman, but a man getting dating advice from his sister for decades is bound to backfire at some point. I’m not about to get it from the men on the team, half of which I would not trust with any woman, and the other half who have been married forever or have sworn it off completely.

If the app is supposed to be foolproof, then I’ll give it a chance to prove itself.

“How about dinner? It’s cooler and just as beautiful. Maybe seven again? Do you want me to pick you up or would you rather meet me there?” I ask.

Options. I give her all the options I can think of so she doesn’t have to say no. The park is large and in the middle of a busy area, so even at night she should feel safe enough. Someone might recognize me, but it's a chance I'll have to take to ensure she feels comfortable.

“Seven works for me. I’ll meet you at the fountain, and I’ll bring dessert! I promise it won’t be fruit snacks.”

I grin. “All right then. We have a date. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Yeah. Yeah, me too.” She seems surprised to be so excited about this, but I don’t read into it. I’m equally as impressed, but only time will tell if this will really work. A little stone of anxiety in my gut tries to take hold, but I won’t let it. There’s no reason to, not yet.

“Night, Charlotte.”