We don’t even notice the cherry colas sitting beside us until the ice clinks a little. Lottie sits straighter and leans over the bar to take a sip. Her eyes roll back and she sucks down a quarter of the drink. “Oh my goodness, that’s amazing.”
I have a sip and have to agree, but I’m more interested in where this conversation is going than how good the food is at The Salty Dog. I rest my hand on my knee, accidentally brushing my thumb on her thigh. I adjust appropriately but she’s already overcompensating for the mistake by moving her leg. Fortunately, it brings her even closer to me. Unfortunately, one of her friends approaches her, interrupting us.
“Hey, Lots, we’re heading out,” the woman says and smiles at me.
“Yeah, okay. Um…Oh, this is my friend Andrew,” Lottie says and nods toward me.
I offer my hand and the woman takes it. “I’m Destiny, her neighbor in the torturous school where we work.”
“Ah, congratulations on the engagement,” I say.
“Thanks. It’s been a long night though, so I’m going to head out. Sorry to interrupt.”
Lottie starts to get up and motions toward Destiny. “Sorry, but she’s my ride. See you tomorrow?”
Desperation claws at my insides. I can’t let her go, not yet. Not when things were going so well. I say something drastic. “Or you can stay and I’ll take you home.” Of their own accord, my fingers lace with hers and I tug her back to the seat. Her friend’s eyebrows raise and she fights to hold back a grin. Lottie’s cheeks blush as she looks to Destiny for an answer.
“Whatever you want, Lots. If I were you, I’d stay here and enjoy the night.” Destiny winks at me.
I love Destiny. I know nothing about her, not even her last name, but I love her more than my Nonnie’s food right now.
Lottie’s gaze connects with mine again and I grin, which only deepens the red in her cheeks.
“I suppose I could be persuaded,” she says.
“Mmm, how so?” I rub the inside of her wrist with my thumb and she sighs.
“Take me for a walk on the beach?”
It’s a taunt. Does she think I won’t do it at this late an hour? I am up for every challenge she wants to throw my way. Walk in wet sand on a cool night with her by my side? What kind of moron would say no?
“Anything you want, Lottie. Moonlight walk on the beach? Done.”
I’m rewarded with her happiness and she shoots up from the seat. She hugs Destiny and congratulates her before waving over the woman’s head to a crowd of ladies exiting the pub.
And it hits me again.
She chose me.
Chapter Sixteen
My conversation earlier in the week with Rory comes back to me when Andrew offers me his hand. Rory and I are not getting back together, but I’m not sure that I properly conveyed that to him before he left my home. I need it to be clear so I can move on with…Wait, what am I saying? Move on with who? Andrew? The guy I already told I wasn’t interested in dating because he’s an athlete?
Flirting with him and asking him to walk on the beach with me do not signify that I’m not interested.
Ugh, because I am interested in him. Everything is so terrifying right now that I have to secretly—because there is no way I’m telling Andrew that he has a chance—scout him out as potential boyfriend material.
I tuck my hair behind my ear and Andrew gets the hint. He drops his hand with nary a frown or scowl and nods toward the door. “Your chariot awaits, my lady.”
I smile. I love that he so easily brings forth the joy I thought I’d lost after Rory’s infidelity, but building trust takes more than tickling my funny bone. I need to see staying power. Gotta see where those eyes travel when other women are in the vicinity. Above all, I need to know he respects my boundaries while he pursues me, because make no mistake, I know I’m still being pursued. It’s not outright, but it’s in the subtle way he’s open to flirting with me and lets me further it if I choose. How he doesn’t show disappointment if I don’t bite.
Destiny and the others are long gone. She skedaddled as soon as I agreed to stay with Andrew. She wants to be right about him, and more and more, I want her to be right too. My heart is worried but also cautiously optimistic that Andrew is not the same as Rory.
Before we exit, we stop by the table where his friends are in deep conversation about baseball and none other than Marco Martinez. I’d like to inject my opinion but refrain since I don’t know any of them well enough to make a logical, fact-supported argument as to why I instinctively dislike the man. Emotionally? Yeah, I don’t like him because he’s out for Andrew’s job. I don’t like it, so I can’t hide how my lip curls in disgust at his name.
“Hey, we’re gonna head down to the beach for a walk. Cool?” Andrew only makes eye contact with one of them—Koa—and a silent communication occurs between them. I can’t pinpoint what is exchanged in those steely stares, but it’s enough to make Andrew’s shoulders relax.