Page 103 of Hate To Love You

I purse my lips, trying to hide a grin from taking over my face. I have never been so proud of my brother.

Logan walks to the door and reaches for the handle.

“Logan, we are not finished here,” father says sternly.

“Yes, we are.”

With that, Logan opens the door and storms out of the room, leaving me with our father who is practically foaming at the mouth. Logan has never had an outburst, and my father looks like he could have a heart attack from the interaction.

You go, little brother.

My father takes a deep breath before looking back at me, the displeasure on his face evident.

“See what you’ve done? You’ve corrupted your brother so much, he’s beginning to become defiant,” my father scoffs.

“Maybe he’s just realized that your rules and traditions are stupid, and that he doesn’t have to follow your every demand,” I shrug.

“You will fix this. You will convince your brother to fall back in line, or so help me, God, I will take everything from you. Your inheritance, your home, your tuition, your car. Everything, Ryker. Do you understand me? You are not in charge here, son. I am.”

I back away from his desk, staring down at him as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Fishing it out, I see a text from Gwen and my chest squeezes. I should be at the party with her. I should be dancing and drinking and kissing her. Not having this utterly ridiculous conversation with my father.

My Rebel


Where are you?

Shit. I have to get out of here. I need to get home to her. When my father texted earlier, I didn’t even think to tell Gwen. I just got Logan and drove to campus. My mind was racing with thoughts about what the meeting could be about and what mood my father was going to be in.

“I have to go,” I state, not even acknowledging what he just said. He can threaten all he wants, but he wouldn’t really do that, would he? At least, he couldn’t legally take my inheritance, and I would get a lawyer if I needed to.

My father says he’s in charge, but he won’t be for long. Not when I find every little secret he’s been burying since he became CEO of The Steele Corporation. I know there’s something there, and I am determined to find it to get him out of my life for good.

Part of me feels guilty for wanting my own father out of my life because people like Gwen would do anything for their father to be in theirs, but Robert Steele is no father. He is a dictator. I will not allow him to run my life anymore.

He has another thing coming if he thinks I’ll actually try to talk Logan into obeying his absurd rules. I don’t even know why he’d ask that of me knowing I don’t agree with him either.

Sorry, father. Not happening.

This ends now.

Chapter 47


I find Logan leaning against my Escalade with his arms and legs crossed as he scrolls through his phone. His brown hair falls onto his forehead, and his face is pulled into a scow. It’s eerily similar to our fathers, and I wonder if I too look like him when I’m angry.

The doors unlock with a click and Logan climbs into the passenger seat as I take my place behind the wheel. He doesn’t say a word, and neither do I. There’s nothing to say.

Pulling on to our street, cars line each side of the road, and people are milling about the lawn in front of the Elite mansion with cups and beer bottles in their hands.

As soon as my car is in park, I jump out, rushing for the front door. I have to find Gwen. I need to tell her where I’ve been and why I wasn’t here. She’s probably going to be pissed at me, but when I explain, she’ll understand. She has to.

I spot Lainey, Ellie, and Damian in the corner of the room, drinks in their hands but concern laces in their expressions. Where is Gwen? Why isn’t she with them? Why do they look worried?

I begin to make my way through the crowd, but I’m stopped by a dainty hand landing on my wrist. Whipping around, I see Amy standing in front of me with a small smile on her lips. Her eyes are soft, and she looks like she’s been dancing all night, a light sheen of sweat coating her tan skin.