Page 21 of Hate To Love You

Holland is overprotective; I’ve seen it first-hand the last few years since I met Ellie. What’s weird is that he always acts the same way with Lainey. Like he’s watching out for her, or just watching her.

I don’t think Lainey’s notices the way Holland looks at her whenever they’re in the same room. More importantly, I don’t think Ellie’s notices the way her brother watches her best friend.

Ellie and Holland have always been really close, from what I’ve been told. But when they got here, Holland told everyone in the Elite mansion to stay away from his sister. It pissed Ellie off so much, she walked up to some poor sap and made out with him right in front of Holland.

I say poor sap because Holland ended up punching him in the face, even though the guy didn’t initiate the kiss.

When I enter my house, Lainey, Ellie, and Haley are sitting in the living room watching some movie about a one-night stand turned enemies to lovers.

Haley notices me first, jumping up from her perch on the floor, running over to hug me.

“Oh, thank God, you’re alive!” she exclaims, pulling away, leaving her hands resting on my shoulders. “I was worried.”

Her auburn hair falls over her shoulders and she gives me a frown.

“You’re so dramatic. I’m fine,” I chuckle.

Lainey and Ellie stay seated, but their expressions seem like they’re waiting for me to explain further. I appreciate having friends who care about me this much, but in this case it’s not necessary.

Walking into the living room, I cross my arms over my chest and stare down at Lainey and Ellie, while Haley comes back to take her seat on the floor.

“Okay, I’m sorry I was late tonight. But I’m here now,” I shrug.

“Are you okay? Did something happen with Ryker?” Lainey asks, a slight twinge of concern in her voice.

“Nothing happened. I said something I probably shouldn’t have, he got pissed, and then he left.”

“What did you say?” Ellie asks, her eyebrows furrowing.

I shrug. “Nothing he didn’t deserve.”

I shouldn’t feel bad. I shouldn’t feel guilty. But here I am with a sour feeling in my gut and a heavy feeling in my chest.

Shit. Why do I have to be such a nice person?

Chapter 14


Ryker and I have met two more times since our last session in the library. He barely spoke to me, and our typical banter back and forth vanished. It’s like he’s actually mad at me, which makes me feel strangely guilty. I knew I pissed him off, but I thought he’d be over it by now.

The air is chilled as I walk through campus to the library to once again meet with Ryker. The coffee in my hand is helping keep me warm. I can’t believe how fast the weather changed. I swear just a week ago or so there was at least still a warm breeze in the air.

Halloween is already next Friday, and I honestly can’t believe how fast this semester has been going. I’m hopeful that Professor Whitely doesn’t come up with any other partner projects before the end of the semester.

Someone has gone around and dressed up all of the buildings with small decorations such as pumpkins and little bats flying from the trees, small Halloween banners, and even some bigger stuff like the witch on her broomstick sticking out of the ground in front of Café Grind.

Leaves dance around the ground as the light breeze blows, causing the bats hanging from the tree branches to look as if they’re going to fly off. The plaid scarf and beanie I’m wearing today are enough to keep me comfortable, but the lack of gloves is really doing me in.

The fresh scent of autumn and pumpkin spice fills my senses as I walk up to the library. I spot Ryker right away, sprawled out in one of the large study rooms. His dark hair is curlier than usual, and he has a bit more stubble on his chin than I’ve ever seen him with. His green eyes meet mine as I enter the room, shutting the door behind me.

The twinge of guilt comes back full force as I watch his gaze lower back down to his book. He doesn’t even say a word. No hello, no taunting remark, nothing. Damn, he really is pissed. God, Gwen. Why do you even care?

Ryker is a legacy member of the Ellington Elite; his family name drips with money and power. He’s cruel and arrogant. He doesn’t deserve my guilt, or an apology.

Gritting my teeth, I set my bag down on the ground, pulling out the chair across from Ryker. His eyes move up to my face and then wander down with my body as I sit.

"Well, if it isn’t Ms. Guinevere Sharpe,” his deep voice rumbles. How does he know my last name? I never said anything. I wonder if he told Holland about our partnership.