Standing as tall as I could, with my chin high and my hands clasped behind my back, I willed my voice to not shake as I met each of their gazes.
“My decision remains the same. Select me in place of Amy as the blood pet.”
I couldn’t handle them sending my best friend, the sweetest and most selfless person I knew, out to slaughter. At least this way, I knew I’d be preventing her from a premature death. It would hurt like hell to never see her again, but I took comfort in knowing I stood up for her one last time.
Amy would be devastated. But at least she’d live on. She had to.
“Why are you really doing this, Octavia?” Nancy asked after a long silence.
Because Amy is the one person who deserves a better fate than this. Because no one in this godforsaken community has a shred of empathy, so who else is going to? Because I hate all of your games and your politics, and I’m fucking tired. There was no simple answer to that, and especially not one that they were prepared to hear.
“It’s just the right thing to do,” I said.
“And you’re absolutely sure about this decision?” Harold peered at me with his beady eyes.
I was likely in shock and not fully processing the consequences of what I’d done, but that would come later. My mind was made up. And there was simply no option but to keep Amy safe.
Well, safer.
“Alright, then.” The council members all looked at each other. “We are not barbarians or murderers.”
The ones who didn’t speak nodded their agreement.
I held back a snort. Whatever helps you all sleep at night.
“Since she is standing here, of sound mind and giving her full consent, it’s decided.” Nancy brought her hands together. “Octavia Franz will be given to the ruling vampire clan as the next blood pet in the Half-Century Selection.”
Chapter 2
Istared at the dried stick between my fingers and groaned. It sucked being the guy who drew the shortest straw, especially when it came to something like taking on a responsibility I didn’t even want.
A blood pet was the last thing I needed. I didn’t even want to care for a pet hamster.
“Congratulations, buddy.” Desmond slapped me on the shoulder, his fangs poking through his lips as he tried not to laugh. “I wish you and your blood pet a long, happy life together.”
“Man, fuck you.” I dropped the inch-long piece of straw and scraped my boot over it until it was dust. “This agreement is bullshit. Why are we still doing this with the humans, anyway?”
“They need to remember whose territory they’re in.” Thorne, our clan leader, lit up a cigarette, his cheeks sinking in as he dragged on it. The scent of darakt, a fine mixture of powdered blood and herbs for flavor, filled the air. “Humans are funny creatures. They insist on declaring their independence, then in the same breath, cry for safety and protection.” He exhaled a cloud of red smoke that matched his eyes. “This is the price they pay for being spoiled children who get everything they want.”
“Why do we have to take their offering though?” I ran a hand over the short buzz of my hair. “Why not let the Marrowers or Carpe Noctem have the blood pet?”
Thorne huffed irritably. “Because we’re the ruling clan now. Their sacrifice is ours to take by right. It’s been that way since before you were around, pup.” He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, then kicked my boot on his way to the garage. “Let’s go,” he said around the cigarette in his mouth. “Time to collect our due and get this over with.”
I got up from the couch with a groan, following him. Desmond came after me, still chuckling at my expense. Rhain was already in the garage, the big long-haired fucker topping off the fluids in his motorcycle. His face was so stony, I didn’t think it was possible for him to crack a smile.
It was just the four of us riding out. No need for the entire clan to bring home one human. An entire fleet of bloodthirsty vampires on motorcycles would probably scare them into doing something stupid, like offering up ten more of themselves as blood pets. No, thank you.
The roll-up door lifted smoothly as our bikes roared to life. It was a clear night, the sky dotted with stars and a sliver of crescent moon. It was a perfect night to go out to Pulse Point, our club in the downtown strip just off the Heart region, maybe drink from a fiery dragon shifter or that sexy little brusang that always flirted with me.
But no. Instead, I was riding out to the North Ribs. To the last-remaining all-human settlement to retrieve what was essentially my human wife. Or husband, if they offered up a male.
Not that it was exactly that kind of thing. Relationships with blood pets sometimes turned sexual, but not always. Males of any species didn’t interest me that way. Strictly speaking, blood pets were long-term suppliers of blood. In addition to feeding from them, I would be expected to keep and care for them, like I would any being living in my home.
But the part that really pissed me off about the whole exchange was the expectation of exclusivity.