Maybe vampires had been feeding on humans since we were little more than primates because our instincts always knew before our eyes and cognitive abilities did. There was something in our DNA that threw up a big CAUTION sign whenever they were around. And you couldn’t explain away your deepest animal instincts with hoaxes and brainwashing.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, Amy. It’s good to finally meet you.” Cyan’s eyes flicked to me before returning to her. “As a friend of Tavi’s, you’ll be welcome any time at our compound. I understand how hard it is for two close friends to be apart.”
Did my ears play tricks on me or did his voice choke a little on that last sentence? Was he talking about Kalix? Also, why was he being so friendly when he’d been so cold to me earlier?
“Oh, um. That’s very nice of you to offer.” Amy’s smile at him was tense. “I’ll definitely consider it. Thank you for the phone as well.”
“It’s my pleasure.” Cyan’s ruby gaze returned to me and settled there. “Are you ready?”
I nodded and gave one more hug to Amy and Robin, then a wave to Heather, before climbing on behind him.
Cyan’s whole body stiffened as I wrapped around him, like my touch was the last thing he wanted to feel. I’d bet anything he’d go right back to freezing me out the moment we were alone.
And I was right. Two long hours later, we pulled into the Blood 'til Dawn garage where he parked, shut off the bike, and waited for me to dismount without a word. Once we both got off, he hurried toward the door leading into the great room. I knew he’d go right back to avoiding me the moment he had the chance, so I called out before he could head inside.
“Cy, wait.”
He flinched like the sound of my voice in the echoey garage pained him, but he did stop. “Yeah?”
I tried to swallow the massive lump in my throat, hating that he was facing away, refusing to look at me.
“I’m really sorry if I did anything to piss you off. I feel like I did some massive vampire taboo without realizing it. If this is because of the hug or the…” I couldn’t bring myself to say the word kiss, not when I was already grasping to find a shred of the connection we’d had before any of that happened.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Tavi.” His voice was rough, still facing the door.
Hearing him say that made me immensely relieved but also confused. If that was true, then why the cold shoulder?
“I’m sorry you ended up with me,” he went on. “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll release you from being my blood pet. Just say the word and it’ll be done.”
The words felt like a slap. “What? Cy.”
This time, he did ignore me and went inside.
I realized two things the moment that door closed. One, I was desperate to find out the real reason why he didn’t want me as a blood pet. Why he insisted on not blaming me, but continued to push me away so cruelly. I thought he was open to being friends, but now he couldn’t even look at me.
Two, I realized with bone deep certainty that I wanted to be his blood pet. I wanted to give him my blood, to nourish and sustain him in that way. Ever since he drank from that wound on my hand, it felt like a hidden part of me had unlocked. My blood could do good things for him. I could be good for him.
And I wanted to feel that way again. I wanted the pleasure and connection that felt both magical and tangible at the same time. I wanted to feel him ground me before I floated away. And it wasn’t even about all the physical sensations. I wanted his smiles and jokes, the warmth and respect in his voice. I wanted the care he displayed when he offered to let Amy and I see each other, and I wanted the fierce vampire warrior who sent that drug dealer running with his tail between his legs.
I was not sorry at all that I ended up with Cyan of Blood ‘til Dawn. And I would make sure that he knew that.
Chapter 18
The night after returning from Sapien with Tavi, I had a patrol shift with Thorne, which didn’t usually happen. His partner was usually Rhain, and now that Kalix was gone, I was usually paired up with Des or Laith.
Maybe I should have been honored working with our clan leader, but instead I felt like I was put under a microscope.
Part of me wondered if this pairing was by happenstance or design, but I knew better than to voice my questions about it.
We rode to the Crown, the northernmost point of Sanguine. After becoming the ruling clan, Blood 'til Dawn had to seize this region forcefully from the remnants of its previous inhabitants, a clan called Rathka’s Order.
Those vampires were something else. Not only did they eat humans alive, but they had begun cannibalizing each other about a century ago. No one truly knew why, though there were speculations of a virus that had eaten through the rational parts of their brain and made them do unnatural things.
Rathka’s Order had been doing a decent job of eradicating themselves by the time we stepped in, but there was still a hell of bloody battle. My first real one, about fifteen years ago. The last dozen or so infected members had scattered into the surrounding mountains and forests. Our best hope was that the werewolves had taken care of them for us, but their whereabouts remained a big question mark.
Only one member of Rathka’s Order appeared to retain his wits and did not succumb to the cannibalism that ravaged his family. He actually lived near us, right off the Cap in the Heart of Sanguine. Close enough to keep an eye on, just how we liked him. He didn’t seem interesting in reclaiming the Crown region for himself.