Page 35 of Bad Luck Charm

“Er… that’s making it sound like you do fuck all your models.”

“I will admit I’ve thought about that more than once. Even when I thought I was straight. But that’s not the point.” She pursed her lips. “Turning lingerie into a business, into a job, takes all the eroticism out of it. There’s nothing exciting about it anymore. And it’s hard to make designs that make people feel as attractive as they should in lingerie when I don’t feel that. But… seeing you in them?” She traced a fingertip down my body, leaving a trail of electricity as she went. “It’s more sexual, more erotic than I’ve ever known. And I don’t want to let that go.”

I bit my lip, hard. “I… don’t know what makes me so special.”

She snorted. “I already told you, London. Several times. Go take a shower, and I’ll leave you the clothes to get changed into. Understood?”

I really liked when she got bossy. I couldn’t even pull up a clever comment—I bit my lip and nodded, and I couldn’t stop my heart racing the whole time I stepped into her shower and scrubbed myself down. I washed my hair and dried it on a towel before I blow-dried, and I styled it with her flatiron, which I hadn’t done in years. I hadn’t dated in a long time.

And it wasn’t a date. But… it certainly felt like one.

She’d left a dark-red set for me—the Venusian Sunset, the one I’d looked up after she’d said would look good on me—and I felt myself burn as I pulled it on, checking myself in the mirror.

I’d never disliked my body, not really, but I hadn’t liked it much either—just never really gave it much thought beyond regular care. But Cameron made me feel attractive—made me feel irresistible, in so many ways. Not just in the way she worshipped my body and couldn’t take her eyes off me, but by putting me in a set like this.

She was right. This one had been made for me. I looked like I belonged in a sexually charged photoshoot, like I should have been on a lingerie ad promising women be sexy, be alluring, just like this.

I was fucking gorgeous. And it was an even more gorgeous woman making me look this way.

I was tempted to leave the bathroom just to see her reaction to me like this, but I wanted her to keep thinking about it—wanted to see her reaction when she’d been thinking about me all day and I finally got to show her, so I pulled on the clothes she’d left me. Cameron was a bit shorter than me, and definitely had smaller breasts, so the pants were a little short at the ankles and the shirt strained lightly at my chest, but all in all, a good fit. And the tiny peek of red from the bra at the collar was… well, Cameron would like it.

I cleaned up my makeup a little—my eyeliner was a passable smoky eye with a little wiping away, and Cameron’s skin tone was a shade or two lighter than mine so her foundation worked as concealer under my eyes—took a long breath, and I let myself smile before I turned back to the door.


Ocean Social was a gorgeous restaurant that was normally a bit pricier than I liked to eat at, but Cameron insisted I get whatever I wanted, threatening to whiteout the prices and hand me the menu back, so I eventually let myself have it. Sitting here at the open wall overlooking the beach, with the endless ocean beyond, crisp blue skies and clear blue water and the beach still quiet on a weekday morning, as the waiter brought out my eggs benedict on arepas and her smoked salmon bagel and our coffees—it was nothing to complain about.

Even though some poor woman dropped her keys straight into the trashcan as I came in and had to fish them out, and the hostess who seated us dropped a menu squarely on her toes as she tried to grab us two.

“You’re a seafood person, aren’t you?” I said as she bit into her bagel, closing her eyes with a satisfied sigh. She wiped a spot of cream cheese from her lips before she spoke.

“I don’t typically eat anything that walks on land, but apparently everything else is fair game.”


“Not strictly. But close enough.” Her smile suddenly turned sad, looking out to the horizon, and once again, I was kind of impressed I’d figured it out.

“You hadn’t really had a chance to explore that, had you?”

She sighed hard, cupping her coffee. “Christ, London, it’s like you read my mind.”

“Well… you have expressive eyes.”

She gave me an impossibly sweet smile. “Think that’s the first time you haven’t tried pulling it’s a salesperson’s job.”

“Oh.” I scrunched up my face. “I’m forgetting myself.”

She looked down. “It really is all the little things, isn’t it? He didn’t do anything really wrong—didn’t stop me from pursuing my career, didn’t force me to move even though he didn’t really like Miami, didn’t say awful things about me, would never lay a hand on me.”

“But… sometimes they know how to leave marks that nobody sees. Even their targets.”

She shook her head, turning back to me with a focused look in her eyes. “You say that from experience.”


“This Miguel person. You don’t suppose he knows we’re here?”

“He might? I don’t know. I don’t think he’s eavesdropping on our conversation, at least. That’s below even him. But he’s got contacts who let him know if they spot certain people around town who he’s keeping eyes on. You and I are probably both on that list.”