Page 65 of Playboy Boss

Chapter Twenty-Three

“So, she works for you at Korr Properties?” Fabian lifted his eyebrows.

Konrad glanced at Scottie holding a tray of salmon puffs to Antonia and two of her friends across the upper deck where they’d been tanning for hours. They’d been cruising toward the Gulf of Mexico at full speed, the water lapping against the sides of the yacht.

“Yes.” Damn, she’s gorgeous. Konrad couldn’t take his eyes off Scottie. She was the only woman he could see.

“And you knew,” Fabian continued, his finger pointed at Dallas accusingly.

Dallas lifted his hands in surrender. “Hey, it wasn’t my business to tell.”

“She’s hot,” Tylund put in, his gaze on her too. Konrad wanted to shove him overboard.

“Don’t,” Konrad sniped, causing eyebrows to lift further.

Not Dallas though. He had a sagacious look in his eyes.

Konrad shoved his sunglasses to the top of his head. “I’d rather you not objectify my employee,” he said to Tylund.

“Or he’ll be forced to defend her.” Dallas grinned.

Konrad pushed down his sunglasses over his eyes again. The Coast Guard would be busy fetching Konrad’s friends out of the Gulf if they kept it up.

Wankers. Konrad turned his gaze back to Scottie. She was more than hot. His eyes followed her lines, curving and petite. He relived his touch on her skin, making him hard almost instantly. He wanted her again. And she must have sensed him staring because her eyes shifted to him, her wide smile taming into a coy curve on her lips. They were on the same wavelength. No question.

“Excuse me, lads. I’m going to fetch a salmon puff before the ladies devour them all.” Without waiting for a response, he made his way to her.

“Konrad!” Melina called upon his arrival, her champagne flute lifted. She’d already had a whole bottle herself. “Cheers!”

“Cheers, love!” His eyes were on Scottie.

“Salmon puff?” Scottie lifted the tray.

“I’d love one.” He took a puff and brought it to his lips, reveling in her attention to his every move.

Scottie seemed embarrassed to be caught staring because her cheeks blushed, and she looked away. “I better get more.” She dashed off, leaving him to quickly devise a plan to get her alone.

Because Konrad knew the layout of Fabian’s yacht well, he retreated back inside from the opposite end, knowing it would lead to the same wide staircase back to the main cabin. He waited for Scottie at the bottom, scanning the area. He was completely alone.

Seconds later, her shoes tapped against each step until she became aware of him. Stopping in her tracks, she gasped.

“Konrad.” His name was breathy on her lips.

Without a word, he took her face in his hands and kissed her so hard, she dropped the tray. The crashing sound parted them, but his attention wasn’t on the tray. Neither was hers.

“I’m kidnapping you.” He was breathing heavily, his groin tightening in response to her finger hooked in his belt loop.

“Now?” She glanced toward the kitchen. “We can’t here. Can we?”

“Not here.” He took her hand. “Come with me.” Without resisting, she squeezed her fingers around his and let him lead.

In the wing of bedroom cabins, Konrad opened a door to one he’d stayed in many times. The urgency to be together was so strong, he didn’t glance inside. He didn’t take notice of the furniture or any other detail inside the room. All his focus was on her hand riding up his forearm.

He closed the door, pushing her back against it. “My God, Scottie. This is absolute torture.” He pressed his mouth on hers, taking her tongue between his lips.

She put her hand on his chest, separating their connection. “Will they hear us?”

“Not a chance.” Konrad picked her up in one fell swoop, his lips still on hers, and walked to the king bed in the center of the large cabin. He placed her on the bed, trying to contain himself. Desire took over.