Page 9 of Playboy Boss

“I suppose Melina can be your date tonight. Poor girl,” Konrad said.

“Yeah, right.” Fabian chuckled, turning toward the bar. He poured three flutes of Krug. The bubbles foamed up nearly over the top, but only lingered at the rim. “Champagne for the ladies.”

“I’ll take them.” Tylund took the glasses and walked to the living room, clearly desperate to get away from the bashing they gave him.

“That guy’s a mess.” Konrad shook his head, staring after him.

“I know.” Fabian sipped his scotch. He was pensive, staring into the living room. “I can’t imagine living like I was before Toni. You know, doing nothing meaningful. Blowing my trust fund. It was such a waste.”

Konrad met his softened gaze. “That’s a bit harsh, no?”

“It’s true.” He sighed, a far-off look in his eyes again. “I feel better now, like I’m doing something. Toni makes me want to be a better person.”

Konrad sipped again. He could see his friend’s transformation like night and day. Fabian had grown up so fast. Overnight practically. And for a woman. Konrad couldn’t imagine that ever happening to him. He was too independent and focused. A woman would only resent him for putting his job first, and himself. He saw it firsthand with his own parents, felt the pain of it. As best as he could, Konrad pushed those thoughts down. He wanted to forget what happened with his parents. But in the midst of his reverie, noises from the kitchen took his attention. He glanced up from his drink only to meet eyes with the last person he’d thought he’d see.

Scottine Roberts. His temp.

What the fuck is Scottie doing here?

Fabian glanced back to the kitchen. “Oh, they’re just the caterers.”

Caterers? Why was Scottie catering? And of all the dinner parties she could possibly cater, what were the odds of her catering Konrad’s friends’ dinner party? It was like the universe conjured her up from his thoughts just to fuck with him.

Frozen, Konrad couldn’t tear his eyes off Scottie. His heart raced, and the words didn’t come. Scottie’s lips parted, closing when another woman came up behind her with a tray. She turned to her, leaving Konrad abandoned from her stare. And he wanted her eyes again.

“Are you okay?” Fabian touched Konrad’s arm, startling him.

“Uhh … yes, of course. I’m totally fine,” Konrad rambled, grappling with what to do next. Should he tell Fabian about Scottie? For the first time, he had no idea what to do in regards to a woman.

“Care for a salmon puff?” Scottie’s voice slipped in the silence between Konrad and Fabian.

Konrad waited for a greeting from her. Like, “Hey, Konrad.” Or “Fancy meeting you here, boss.” Or some other indication that she knew him. Nothing. She’d remained steady with her silver tray held out to them.

He didn’t know if he should call her out. No one had ever done that to him. In fact, women bent over backward to know him. An unprecedented stream of exhilaration rushed through his body. What was she trying to prove?

Fabian reached for a salmon puff, awkwardly proclaiming, “They look great.” He popped the salmon puff in his mouth. “The Decadent Chick Catering owner was the apprentice to the L’Atelier executive chef. Isn’t that right?”

Great. It seemed Fabian sensed the weirdness.

Scottie’s hazel eyes gripped Konrad’s while she should have been looking at Fabian. “Yes, that’s right. Would you like to try?”

Konrad couldn’t move, couldn’t respond. Say something. Do something, dammit!

“Have one, Konrad,” Fabian urged, taking another. After swallowing, he said to Konrad, “This is Scottie. She’s assisting Tara, the chef and owner, tonight. This big German is Konrad Korr.”

Her full pink lips curled up in a languid way, making him remember touching her only hours ago. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.”

Her words stunned him. Sir? She called him sir? Clearly, she was toying with him.

Konrad eased back into his smooth ways, nodding at her with a challenging smirk on his own lips. “You as well, Scottie.” He nearly said Scottine.

The awkward silence stretched between them. Konrad took a salmon puff of his own and opened his mouth, aware he had Scottie’s full attention. Something had changed between them. He couldn’t help feel the heat of their exchange and the desire he felt in his loins to be close to her again.

Pilar and Melina came up behind them, jolting Konrad to remember there were other people in the penthouse, not just Scottie and her amazing eyes making him question himself. He straightened, turning his attention to the women, though still thinking about Scottie.

Polite and proper, Pilar plucked a salmon from the tray. “Looks very good.”

Scottie gifted her a tight smile, and Konrad knew that was meant for him.