Page 60 of Playboy Boss

A kick in the balls would hurt less. Why the hell was Jeff with her? If they were on a date, Konrad would die. The notion made him absolutely ill.

He left the bar. Left his water behind. Left Pilar calling to him. His only mission was to get to Scottie.

In his mad race to her, he passed Jeff, not acknowledging him, though he himself had been acknowledged. Down the dark hall to the bathroom, he spotted Scottie holding the ladies’ room door knob. She froze at the sight of him. Her eyes first widened in surprise, then narrowed to slits.

He came on her like a lunatic, taking her face in in his palms as if he had the right to do it. “What are you doing?”

She shoved his hands away. “What are you doing?” Her voice cracked.

“Here with Jeff, are you?” He glanced back. Still alone. His heartbeat reverberated in his ears. His whole body thumped from his hard pulse. “It didn’t take you long, did it?”

Her forehead creased, a blaze in her eyes making her irises glow green in the dim light. “Seriously? You obviously are here with Pilar. So it didn’t take you long, did it?”

He reached for her again, his hands on her face again, pulling her into a kiss she succumbed to for a microsecond before she pushed away from him again.

“Don’t kiss me with those lips.” She brought a trembling hand to her mouth, wiping it.

He’d never been in such a high emotional situation. Control was gone. Nothing was his deliberate doing. Everything sprang forth from the turmoil flowing inside, the ache, the loss of stability. He had no idea who he was in that moment, but he knew he didn’t want Scottie to walk away from him. And he didn’t want her to be with anyone else. Nothing was clearer than that, even when everything else was very unclear.

“Are you with him, Scottine?” His voice croaked.

“No, you asshole! I’m not with him.” She shook her head. “We ran into him at Bowie Brew and he followed us here.”

The way she looked at him made him want to fall through the floor and never return. If Scottie thought he was scum, then everyone did. “I’m not with Pilar. I’m with my friends.”

“Oh, right.” She glanced past him at the sounds of heels tapping on the tiles.

Konrad took her hand and pulled her a few feet to the corner of the hall, where the wall met another wall. She yanked her hand away. He took it back, bringing it to his lips. “I swear, I’m not with Pilar. I ended it with her before we got together.”

She didn’t pull her hand away. “I don’t believe you, Konrad.”

“Look at me, Scottie.” He pressed her back against the wall, his body sizzling for her, wanting her so bad, wanting to taste her lips again—be inside her again. When she didn’t look, he demanded it again.

Hazel eyes met his. “What?” The simple question was all breath.

“I…” He stared at her, taking in every part of her face: her eyes, her nose, her quivering lips, her exposed décolleté, the pulse at her throat. “I think it’s you.”

“What’s me?” Her voice cracked.

“What I want. I want you.”

She gasped at his words.

“Do you want me too?”

Her lips parted. She looked as stunned as he was by his words, but she didn’t respond, didn’t give him the “yes” he wanted to hear. She didn’t say no, either.

Konrad pressed his lips against hers in a hard kiss. As harsh as he was with her, she wrapped her arms around him. Their kiss grew in strength, in undeniable power—in an intensity he’d never known before.

She pulled away before he could completely lose his mind with her. “I have to get back. They’ll come looking for me.”

As much as he didn’t want to, he released her but caged her in with his hand on the wall. “I have half a mind to not care.” But he had to. Jeff was his employee, and Konrad and Scottie needed to talk about what this all meant.

She glanced past him. “You have to care.”

Leaning in to kiss her again before he set her free, he said, “I know.”

Their kiss lasted longer than it should have. When they parted, a voice called from the end of the hall.