Page 59 of Playboy Boss

Chapter Twenty-One

Konrad glanced at his Rolex. Not even eleven, and his eyelids drooped from lack of sleep. The music at H Bar kept him awake though, along with his rowdy friends as they all took a third round of tequila shots. Frankly, Konrad thought Fabian had gone overboard with the engagement celebrations.

Konrad took the shot because he was a sport after all. “That’s it, lads. No more tequila for this German.”

“You’re drinking like a sissy tonight,” Tylund said, slamming the shot glass down next to Melina’s untouched shot.

“We have had too many shots,” Antonia chimed in, accepting a surprise kiss from Fabian.

Get a room. Konrad looked away. If Scottie had been there, she’d be on his lap too, getting surprise kisses at every turn.

“This son of a bitch had half a dozen Bloody Marys at brunch today,” Dallas said, laughing.

“Business as usual,” Konrad said, glancing at the bar from the VIP nook they’d always reserved. He needed fresh air and water before he imbibed any further. So much for bottle service. “I’ll be back.”

“Where you going?” Tylund lifted his arms over his head to stretch, pulling on Melina’s ponytail in the process. She smacked his thigh.

Why don’t those two just shag already?

Clearly, Konrad wasn’t in a mood. “To the bar. I need some H2O.” He maneuvered around the low tables, which were solid with liquor bottles and glasses.

Without further hassle from the crew, he made it out of the VIP section and through the main floor. Several people stopped to greet him, mostly acquaintances. Some where women he’d had on rotation at some point or another. Had he only really been in Houston for less than a year? He didn’t even want to think how many women he’d bedded since he arrived.

The fresh air finally hit his face when he’d reached an empty spot along the bar. H Bar had been packed as usual on a Saturday night.

The bartender, Victoria, walked over to him right away. She knew him, and he knew her. Knew her, knew her.

“Hey, stud. Don’t tell me you’ve emptied all those bottles, have you?” A coquettish smile pulled her bee-stung full lips.

“Not a chance, love. I just needed some air and water. I hope you have some for me.” He leaned in, remembering when he’d taken her to the men’s room last weekend. Not his best hour.

Victoria bent over to retrieve a bottle of Fiji water from the bar refrigerator. “Glass?”

“Not tonight. I’m going to drink it like an animal.” He turned the bottle cap until it snapped open.

“A beast,” she said, her blues eyes sparkling.

Before he responded, two arms snaked around his waist from behind. Victoria’s eyes dulled at the display. Konrad glanced down at the tanned slim hands around him, wrists ornate with a Cartier industrial bangle he’d purchased. Pilar.

He turned to her, her lips lifted high in a smile. She was alone. “Hi, gorgeous! What are you doing here?”

Pilar squeezed her arms, giving him a real hug. Her face in his chest, she said, “Hey, guapo. Just meeting Esteban.”

Konrad chuckled. “You better get off me or else he and I will come to blows.”

She laughed, looking up to him. She barely came up to his chest. “He’s not loco.”

“I don’t know, love. I thought he might have tried something at dinner the other night.”

She shook her head, her smile warm and comfortable. He’d truly grown fond of her. “You look good. Are you feeling better?”

He wrapped his arms around her, strengthening their friendly embrace. “I’m okay.” He leaned down to kiss her forehead, his lips lingering there, but his gaze drifted. Right to a pair of hazel eyes planted on him from across the bar.


Fuck. Me. Konrad didn’t expect to see her until the Sunday brunch. He’d still not sorted out what he’d say to her. How he’d tell her she was wrong about him.

He released his arms fast. Scottie was faster and spun on her heels to go in the opposite direction to the ladies’ room. As she did so, the catering chef Tara came into view, a lanky guy holding on to her waist. But it wasn’t only them. Jeff came into view, too, watching Scottie. Calling to her.