Page 56 of Playboy Boss

Konrad thought about his childhood. “No, it’s not. My Mutter, the poor girl, didn’t fare well. I mean, she would have bent over backward for my father if he’d wanted. And she did. It was always whatever he wanted.” He gazed at his manicured fingernails, remembering the times his mother took him with her to have their nails manicured. It was some of the most memorable times of his childhood before his father sent him off to boarding school. “I don’t like feeling out of control. This has to be exactly what she felt.”

“You worried about it?”

“Fuck yes, I’m worried.” Konrad felt anger for his father. For his mother, too. His father had led her to an early grave.

“What’s the worst that could happen? You end up like Fabian?”

“No. That Scottie ends up hating me because I don’t know how to make a commitment.” And worse than that, Konrad would end up hating himself.

“She might hate you already.” Dallas laughed, though not in humor. It was his way to lighten the conversation.

“You’re probably right.” Konrad needed to lighten up. He needed to be rational. He was not his father. He could not hurt anyone out of pure selfishness. “She left my place cross with me last night, but I want to change her mind about me. It that moronic?”

Dallas stared at Konrad, searching his face for several beats before he answered. “I’ve never seen you like this. So I say no, it’s not moronic. You want to be different for her—”

“For myself.” He didn’t know how to begin. He’d have to wing it.

“Then, definitely, it’s not moronic.”

Konrad blew out a hefty sigh. He’d hated talking about his feelings. He was lucky Dallas could be a gentleman about it and actually give decent advice, unlike Tylund and Fabian. “I’m going to need about five of these Bloody Marys before brunch is over.”