Page 12 of Playboy Boss

Chapter Four

Dressed in beige pants and another white button-up shirt, Scottie walked through the small hallway connecting the bedrooms to the living room. She was still reeling about the night before, her confrontation with Konrad on her mind. But the part that perplexed her the most was his reaction to his friend’s engagement. He seemed sad. Lost too, maybe. Maybe he was capable of other emotions besides chauvinism and arrogance.

“It’s September fifth, Scottie.” Tara’s voice ripped Scottie from her thoughts.

And? Didn’t they just have a conversation about this? “Yes, it is.” Scottie grabbed her purse off the couch, checking her cell phone for messages, of which there were none.

Tara sucked air through her teeth. She was in another mood. “You need to give me your share of the rent.”

Scottie squeezed her eyes shut, a headache looming. Had she not listened? “I told you I don’t get paid until Friday the fifteenth, Tara. We already discussed this.”

Tara lifted her hand in frustration. “I never said I would spot you for this month too.” She lowered her hand, glowering at Scottie as if they hadn’t been friends since they were three years old. “If you can’t pay by the ninth, there will be some changes around here.”

Taken completely off guard, Scottie stepped back. Her breath hitched in her throat. Tara had never threatened her that way. Never had made her feel like she was the worst person in the world. “Jesus, Tara…”

Scottie couldn’t finish though, because Tara’s boyfriend, Brett, traipsed into the living room, wearing only a towel slung low around his waist. Her towel.

“Hey, loser,” Brett said, ruffling Scottie’s hair as he passed.

“Get off me!” Scottie smoothed down her hair, furious and hurt that her best friend would be so heartless.

Brett kissed Tara on the forehead and took the banana Scottie had her eye on from the counter. With a lump in her throat, Scottie turned. She needed to leave.

“I’m not kidding, Scottie,” Tara barked with her finger pointing at Scottie accusingly. The conversation was over.

Brett groped Tara, kissing her like he’d never see her again.

Scottie groaned at the display. Tara could have done much better than Brett. Scottie grabbed her keys on the way out the front door.

On time, Scottie walked on her worn pumps through the lobby of Korr Properties, waving at Susan, who’d answered a call just as she walked in.

Butterflies fluttered violently in her stomach on the walk to her desk. Konrad had arrived. She could smell his fresh cologne as she advanced in the suite. She was anxious. She was excited, though she didn’t want to admit it to herself. Would he bring up the dinner party? Would she? What would he say?

With all the thoughts rolling in her head, she couldn’t prepare herself for what she saw. A beautiful woman, refined and blatantly wealthy, eased out of his office in a cream dress holding a Prada purse in her delicate hand. She was tall with dark hair, perfectly coifed, understated makeup to show off her sculptured features. God, she was gorgeous. Scottie froze, her stomach dropping a little. This woman looked like someone Konrad would date.

She leaned in to kiss his cheek. A seductive curl on his lips made Scottie think she’d judged him correctly the first time. He was a player. He liked women. Tamsin. Pilar. This woman. Who else? Yes, Scottie had pegged him correctly.

“It’s so nice to see you, Konrad,” she said, her voice melodic and soothing. She ran her finger over his jaw in a dignified, yet intimate, caress. They knew each other. No doubt about it. “Sorry I came by on a whim. I look forward to seeing you tonight.”

Yes, they certainly knew each other.

“Thanks for coming by, Anisette. You’re looking gorgeous as always, love.” He winked. Did this man know no boundaries? He’d seen Scottie and knew he had an audience.

Beautiful Anisette turned on her Louboutins and eased down the corridor, the red soles flashing at Scottie. Mocking her. Telling her she could never have a man like Konrad. Wait. What? Scottie perished that thought quickly because she didn’t want Konrad. No way.

Scottie’s gaze moved up Konrad’s body. His fancy shoes, his tailored pants, his fitted jacket, his shoulders, his bright-blue eyes staring at her. Attractive was an understatement. He was beyond that. It was almost cruel to be that good-looking. If she was honest, she’d have to admit he was the kind of man who was easy to fall for.

That didn’t always fare well for people, her mother included. Scottie wiped the stars out of her eyes because reality demanded it and she hardened herself to his charms.

“Good morning, Scottie,” he said, pulling her from her digression. “After you get settled, come in my office. I have a task for you.”

“Okay.” Walking as fast as she could to her cube, she threw down her purse. And just before she grabbed her notepad, she glanced at herself in the reflection of her cell phone screen, taking inventory of herself. Sighing, she put the phone down on the desk and went to Konrad’s office.

“Close the door,” Konrad said upon her arrival.

She closed it and waited for more, all the while maintaining her wild heartbeat.

He leaned back in his chair, arm up over the headrest. “I need you to send some contracts over to legal for some Korr Properties.”