Page 75 of Wreck Me

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

I clamp my mouth shut, helping her stand up. I call the nurse, and she comes out of the small office. Taking the needle out, she puts a bandage over the site.

“How are you feeling?” she asks Abigail.


“I called your parents.”

The moment she says parents, Abigail’s entire posture stiffens.

I’m convinced now that she truly is afraid of her family. Clenching and unclenching my hands into fists at my sides, I try to keep my anger at bay.

Abigail lets out a small puff of air ringing of dejection. She plucks her phone out of her jacket, sighing at the missed calls.

“You should go to class,” Abigail tells me.

Ah, so we’re back to this. I will claw at her walls until I fucking bring them all down, but I won’t pressure her right now, so I leave.

Who would be in the right frame of mind for classes when the girl you love is in obvious pain and denial? While teachers keep babbling, all I can think of is Abigail and the fact that she has a damn eating disorder. Classes drag, but I push through, keeping myself busy researching more about anorexia to the point that my sanity threatens to snap.

At lunch, I stride toward the group’s table, wired to the maximum. I have fallen so low down the rabbit hole of fear I expect to break all my damn bones once I hit the bottom.

I slam my phone on the table. “What are you going to do about this?”

Bailey and Blake look at the open web page with detailed information about anorexia.

“What I have done since the moment I found out—not pressure her while reminding her to eat,” Kaden says.

“And how has this strategy worked so far?”

“Better than before. Look, I get you care for her, but this is a family matter.”

“Do you actually think you can care for something that needs specialized help? How arrogant are you, man?”

Blake crosses his arms over his chest and Bailey looks up. Both of them nod in my direction.

“I know her best,” he says through gritted teeth.

“Fuck that.”

I stalk away and decide to skip school. If I remain here one second longer, I’ll set this damn place on fire.

At the dorm, I take two stairs at once. Turning a sharp right, I let myself into Abigail’s apartment. I function purely on the need to check on her and desire to make sure that she’s fine. My pulse pounds so hard it might crack my neck open. But the beat normalizes the moment I find her curled on her bed with a pen and sketchbook.

“I have a reason for skipping school.”

“We both know you should already have your diploma and be at one of those elite universities, the most beautiful and smartest girl there.”

A shy smile touches her lips. “I strive to be the best I can be.”

I know. That’s why you have a fucking eating disorder.

“Let’s go.”


But her eyes already light up as she puts on ripped jeans, a crop top, and a jacket. If someone would ask me what I like physically the most about her, I would have trouble deciding. My first thought would be everything. I just can’t decide. She’s perfect.