Page 4 of Wreck Me

My entire posture stiffens, challenging him to hit me. But he drops his clenched hand. “I will pull you from the team.”

“Don’t you dare.” I shove him away, my entire body shaking.

Anger courses through my veins, an integral part of my fucked up being.

“Dane?” My mother says my name with so much disappointment it stabs me in my chest. I’m seeing two of her, and not even blinking helps.

I am still drunk as fuck.

“You have everything. Why are you doing this to yourself? To us?” my mother says, sniffling.

“Do you have any fucking idea what your little stunt will cost you? They’re going to suspend you, you irresponsible prick.”

So we switched from me wrecking my car to me wrecking my career.

They wouldn’t dare. I won my first Formula One Championship, the youngest driver to do so. The idiots think they can do this without me. Fuck them. They can’t.

I had to win the bet, and I did. Not my fault someone had to film it and put it online. But fuck my parents for lying to me for ten years.

This should have been the happiest moment of my life. I barely remember the street race because my head swims in alcohol. I have no idea how I drove home, but I remember I lost control and drove straight into my parents’ pool.

Sadly, I didn’t drown. Instead, as I watched the water engulf the car, I couldn’t stand my own thoughts. When the car was submerged, I slowly rolled down the window and got out.

“Honey, let him rest. We’ll talk in the morning.”

“Do you think he deserves a good night’s sleep?” my stepfather asks her.

I flip him the bird. The vein in his neck may pop any second now, but I’m not that lucky.


“Just bill me the costs, will you? I’ve made you enough money this year, haven’t I?” I snarl.

My mom sighs. “Enough.”

My head drops, shame washing over me. I should be mad at her the most. She should have told me there’s no cure for my fucked-up brain. But no, she had to keep that from me.

For ten years, I thought my father had died of a heart attack. Not suicide. As if they could have prevented me from ending up just like him. We all know I have the same shit, my mind dragging me to that dark place where there is no cure. And now my stepfather wants to take away the only thing that gives me a reason to live? Fuck him.

Instead of them telling me the truth, I heard it from my biggest competition at an after-party. And the happiest moment of my life became the worst. I knew he didn’t lie because I had my doubts. My father was healthy—physically.

“Dane, please.”

I guess her pleas are kryptonite for both me and my stepfather.

“Leave,” he says, dismissing me.

Storming outside, I see my car being pulled up from the pool. I should have stayed the fuck inside, and then everything would have disappeared.

I take the cobblestone path to my place: a bungalow with a wall made entirely of glass. I plop on the couch, throwing my head back.

The adrenaline wears off as I do some breathing exercises.

I don’t know how many minutes I sit in silence and pitch darkness when a small hand rests on my shoulder. My mom’s watery eyes undo me.

“Is this the person Jasmine should look up to?”

Guilt hits me in the middle of my chest. Maybe I am just a basket case. I know I am. She knows that too.