He climbs into bed next to me and picks the smaller one. The air carries a sacred moment. From the first time I saw him, he took everything in me apart and put those pieces back with his stamp on them. I’ve been his since his eyes locked on mine.
This precious moment brims with reverence and a promise of forever. I am at ease, feeling with every fiber of my being that I’m his. He’s mine. We belong together.
Sliding the ring on my finger, he looks into my eyes. Seeing all those emotions battling in his instantly makes me emotional as well.
Lifting my hand to his mouth, he places a tender kiss on my ring finger and hand. He clears his throat. “I promise to love you all my life. I promise to be at your side for every step of our journey together. And if there’s something waiting for us after death, I’ll promise you and me even then. I’m yours for all eternity. There’s no beginning or end to my love for you. It just is, giving my life a purpose. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, no boundaries I wouldn’t cross. My life is yours. I bow to only you, my queen, the person who has all my loyalty.”
Tears roll down my face as I pick up his ring and slide it down his finger. They fit us so well, like they were meant for us.
Kissing his ring finger, then his palm, I say, “I promise you me for as long as I will live and beyond. All my heart is yours. All my days and nights will be yours as well. I love you with all of me. There can’t be an end to us because we’re endless in our love for each other, my king. And that is the greatest joy, blessing, and gift—the biggest privilege of my life—to share it with my soulmate at my side. I don’t want simple, I want incredible. You have been the wonder and surprise of my life. You’re all I love, all I need, all I crave. I can’t wait to experience everything this life will bring us, together.”
He slams his mouth against mine and says, “Let’s go on a date.”
“As your girlfriend?”
“I think we skipped that whole phase. It wouldn’t be enough for me anymore.”
“So call me yours.”
“Mine. My everything.”
And that is exactly what we do to celebrate our promise. We go out. Nothing has felt better than holding hands in public. Finally. We both grin, and I don’t know which of us is prouder or more excited.
Eyes turn, taking us in. No one is subtle as they elbow each other. We’re sitting in a small booth at a diner on campus grounds. He lifts my hand with the ring and kisses my knuckles.
“Would you love me even if I kill two people?”
I know where he’s going, and I have imagined killing Felix and Caleb so often I could come off the top of my head with at least fifteen scenarios.
“If you do that, I would be right next to you. I’m your ride or die.”
His jaw clenches, rage burning in his eyes. “I can’t fathom knowing the people who hurt you are alive. I want to burn them to ashes, then resurrect them so I can do it again and again.”
I brush my finger over the prominent vein in his hand, sipping from my cocktail.
“Or we could enjoy that we’re together while both of them rot in a cell.”
“That’s too mild.”
“It’s prolonged torture.”
“I can’t promise you that one day I won’t kill them.”
“And I won’t stop you.”
“You love my crazy ass, that’s why.”
“Your big dick is also in the top three.”
He throws his head back and laughs.
My heart is at peace. My life has just begun, and the promise of the future makes me all kinds of enthusiastic.
I can’t wait to do life with him, and I will enjoy every moment along the way.
In Grandmother’s office, I twirl my promise ring, and a small sigh parts my lips. I wish I could be with Dane right now and watch him on the track. Of course, he insisted on coming to the Family meeting, but he needs to focus on training before the final race of the season. He’s in my heart, embedded in my life’s fabric. Our promise of love adorns my ring finger, making my insides jubilate.