Page 188 of Wreck Me

“I want this over, so I can act on it…”

I scoot up in bed and pat the spot next to me. He sits down, his head hanging, and I place my hand on his. “It takes time, but, Kaden, she loves you too, and you two will be okay.”

“I thought we were being smooth.”

I pin him with a look. “Please. You can’t fool anyone.”

“So, what happened?”

“I throw Dane out the door. He comes through the window.” Smiling, I add, “I fell in love with a crazy person.”

We both chuckle.

“And I finally stopped pushing him away.”

“That’s good. Together is always better. We need the strength our partners give us.”

He goes to his room, but not seconds later, I hear him tiptoeing to hers.

You’re never more vulnerable, and you’re never more in your own world than when you’re in love. Everything else disappears and becomes inconsequential because you just want to live in the moment. It’s no wonder my secret got out.

Love hates secrecy; it wants to be out in the open.


The following day, I’m in the kitchen when Celine finds me.

“I’m sorry, Abi,” she says, rocking on her feet.

I nod, and I hand her a cup of coffee. “I would have done worse.”

“That almost-kiss with Dane… I just wanted to provoke Kaden.”

“I can relate. And it worked.”

She takes a sip and says, “You and Dane, huh?”

“Me and Dane.”

“I’ve been jealous of you.”

“Of me? I would have taken your place and threw a damn parade too, for being an ocean away from this shithole.”

I offer her a small smile and continue, “I’m sorry too, Celine. I love you and I never intended to hurt you. But thinking Kaden and I could do that to you… I guess when you’re miserable, it’s easier to be petty too.”

We hug for a long time, and then I drive to Dane’s house.

When I find no one there, I drive toward the track. The security lets me in, and I park next to his car.

Out of all of us, he has his path carved in front of him, a successful career he would have to quit so he can be with me—if our plan of disappearing works.

Dane speeds around on the track, leaving a whooshing sound behind. He completes one lap after another, smoothly passing every curve. He is so in control, owning the track. I’m mesmerized.

When Jasmine sees me, she squeals. Rushing to me, she jumps into my arms.

“He’s the best, isn’t he? I’m going to be just like him.”

With my eyes downcast, I approach his parents. When I lift my gaze, his mom takes me in her arms. “I’m so deeply sorry. You should hate me. I can leave if you’re not okay with me being here…”