Page 18 of Wreck Me

She curls her elbow around my arm and starts babbling before I even have the chance to disentangle her arm from mine.

“What is her problem now?” she huffs exaggeratedly.


“Ah, don’t you know? I’m talking about the very queen herself, Abigail. I think she’s trying too hard, though.”

“And I think you’d like to be in her place.”

Her eyes bulge, but I am finally free of her clutches.

“You’re never going to have a chance with her. She’s with Kaden. She took him right from under his first girlfriend, like who does that?”

A person who wants something badly.

Inside the cafeteria, I watch the group at their table. Kaden and Abigail are always together. Despite being the most prominent couple here, they keep their PDA very low to nonexistent.

Then there is Blake, who I have dubbed the most outgoing among them. He’s always talking and gesticulating as if to counterbalance these two, and then there is Bailey, who has her eyes stuck on her phone.

These four make a curious mix.

I approach their table and take a seat. You could hear a pin drop.

“Are you lost, man?” Blake asks.

“No, he’s just desperate to prove a point,” Abigail sighs.

Kaden leans back and stares me down. “All his life, he had to prove something, that his father wasn’t a man with too much talent and no fucking time for him.”

Abigail elbows Kaden, but the fucker did his homework. “Do you think messing with us will make your mommy love you more? Your mother and stepfather must have sent you here so they can finally have some peace.”

“Kaden. Enough.”

It does funny things to me to hear the warning come from her.

Bailey looks at me with an apologetic glance, but I storm away. Those words cling to me. The bitter taste of truth coats my tongue, poisoning my blood. My fingers shake, and I rush toward my car, not giving a fuck.

Fuck this school and the rules and my suspension.

I need, I need to…

I am suddenly dragged back by a hand. It feels as if Abigail is literally pulling me back from the point of no return. At this moment, she’s my guardian angel.

“Are you okay?”

“Why do you care?”

I drag a hand down my face, fucking sick to my bones. I’m never going to be normal. Why even try?

Her hands cup my face, anchoring me in the here and now.

“Breathe with me.”

And I do just that, breathing her intoxicating rose and vanilla scent into my lungs, which instantly calms my demons.

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.”