Page 161 of Wreck Me

“Abi, enough.” Kaden cuts her off from whatever she might have said.

Fucking asshole.

“What do you mean?” I ask her.

“That you don’t deserve her,” Kaden says, patting the dust from his shirt.

“With your ring on her finger.”

They both leave while Celine and I stare after them. Without another word, she takes off too. I need to know what the fuck Abigail meant.

By the time I reach Mia and Hunter’s house, Abigail drives away, and I follow her. With every mile, my speedometer tips to the right, enraging me. Is she fucking crazy driving this irresponsibly on the streets?

I honk and flash my lights behind her, but she drives even faster. I switch to the third gear, accelerating until I pass her by. Her tires screech as she comes to an abrupt stop an inch away from my side.

Bolting out of my car, I yank her door open. “I should spank your ass for driving like that.”

“You can spank a log instead. How about that?” she says while her body shakes.

“I thought this is what you wanted, for me to move on?”

She shoots up from her seat and pushes at my chest, tears streaming down her face.

“Does it hurt, princess, the thought of my lips on someone else, my dick buried in someone else, my heart belonging to someone else?”

Her chest heaves, and she wipes at her tears with the back of her hand.

“One of these days, you’re gonna force me to fucking kidnap you,” I grumble.

She lets out a deafening scream. I grip her hands, holding them against my chest.

“Tell me you want me. Tell me you’re mine.”

“And then what, huh? It’s not that simple.”

It is. When will I fucking be enough already?

I turn to leave when she claws at my back, jumping onto me.

“Say the words or get the fuck down.”

“I will kill you. I will if you touch her.”

“You know what to do to stop me.”

“This is blackmail.”

“If this is the only way I can get you to accept this, then I will. Wake the fuck up. You didn’t fall for a good guy, you fell for me.”

“And that was the stupidest, most unreasonable thing I have ever done.”

The leash to my sanity snaps. I push her onto the hood of my car and yank at her jeans.

“What else do you regret?”

She tugs at my shirt in jerky moves, scratching her nails down my chest. “The first day our eyes connected.”

I bite down on her neck as I unclasp her bra and peel her jeans off in one quick move. “Hmm, I got the impression I had you even then.”