Page 15 of Wreck Me

“Thank you for calling.”

She hangs up. At least she calls. I don’t even think my parents remember my senior year has begun.

Moving into the bathroom, I slip off my uniform. Showering, I stare at my face and body in the mirror. I try to see what everyone else sees—that supposed beauty. All I see are hollow eyes, pale skin, and protruding bones.

I get out of my funk and change into a pair of silk shorts and a top.

On my bed, I pick up my sketchpad. My hand glides over the blank sheet, getting lost in the entrancing allure of my passion for drawing.

A knock seeps through the silence, and Bailey enters my room with her laptop open. The device has become an extension of her. I doubt she even knows what to do with a pencil and a sheet of paper anymore.


I nod and follow her to where the guys are already seated on the couch in the living room, a popcorn bowl resting between them.

My friends and I can be ourselves when we’re together, and no eyes are on us. Here, there are no expectations, no pretense, just a unit trying to survive.

After the movie, I stop Kaden at the front door of my apartment.

Ever since I told him everything, it’s as if he takes it all on his shoulders. He’s in his head most of the time, concocting plans. I know it’s the desperation to get Celine back but also to get us out.

“We’re a team.” I remind him.

“I’ll tell you when I need you.”

He closes the door, and I return to my bedroom.

My eyes are glued to my open sketchpad, taking in what I’ve drawn: Dane with a cigarette. That’s not good at all.

“How was your first day?” my mom asks, and I sit down on the edge of the bed.

“Good,” I say instead of interesting. And it’s all because of Abigail.

I never thought the place my parents sent me to reform would be where I discovered a new fascination. Ever since I saw her, she has been on my mind for some unknown reason. What is it about this girl that gives her so much power over my thoughts? But damn, that feisty attitude of hers does something to me.

“Please, I need more than that, Dane.”

I flick open the lighter and remember Abigail’s electric blue eyes on the flames, fascinated by the potential to burn, just as I am.

“I’ll be good.”

I’ll try. I’m already bored out of my mind, and it’s just day one. You have your life planned out only for a spur-of-the-moment choice to change everything. It sucks.

Not only that, but on the drive from the airport to Greenville, my hands shook on the wheel. I did not intend to attract an audience when I arrived at my prison. It was my damn anger pushing me. My racing career is doomed if I can’t control my car.

Until I can get back behind the wheel without my hands trembling like two broken branches, my mind will keep spiraling to that damn dark place.

Racing anchors me. Without it, I don’t know how I will stay afloat while always fighting the clutches of my warped brain.

“How’s Jasmine?” I ask.

“She misses you.”

A small smile lifts the corners of my lips. She’s too young to miss me, but I prefer to think she does.

“I miss her too.”

“How is he?” I hear his muffled voice. I might be a dick, but he is a good stepdad. With everything I have put him through, Denny still hasn’t given up on me.