I’d need you for that, but we both know you’d pick him every time, wrecking me again and again.
I shoot upright and wipe at the sweat drenching my body.
Just a nightmare. Just a fucking nightmare. She got married to Kaden while I had to watch. Abigail said yes while looking at me. What fucking torture. If that day comes, I don’t fucking know how I’ll survive that.
With shaky fingers, I get changed. Heading to the kitchen, I open the fridge, gulping down a bottle of water.
I need to see her and see for myself there is no ring on her finger, so I head to my car.
On the college’s grounds, I park next to her and send her a message.
We need to talk.
She reads it but ignores my message. So the next thing I do is send her a photo of me. Rain pours down on me while I am perched on the hood of my car, waiting for her.
She rushes from the building to her car and sends me a pointed look before she gets in hers. She drives away, and I follow her to the college house. I should have known because this is the biggest and most impressive one on campus. It looks like a damn small castle.
I get out of my car and grab her elbow. “Abigail. Stop ignoring me.”
She turns to me, inhaling deeply. “Just leave me alone.”
She yanks her arm away, and I trail after her inside.
Blake stands up from the couch in the living room, approaching me. “Crazy motherfucker.”
Bailey walks down the stairs, phone in her hand. “Hi, Dane.”
Abigail moves to the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge.
“So what are you making?” I ask.
“Nothing for you.”
Bailey says, “Come on, guys. We’re better than this.”
“Since when can you cook?” I ask.
“I have learned it after—I took a course,” Abigail says.
“Wanna be a good wifey?”
“Lucky me, Kaden’s not that pretentious.”
“So, are you still fucking other people? How will it be—an open marriage or a polyamorous one? Just curious.”
“Want in?” She grins. “I guess you missed your chance.”
Blake laughs so hard that the island table rocks, and Bailey says, “I’m so done with all of you today. And you say I’m the antisocial one.”
She shakes her head, and Abigail points at the door. “You know where the door is.”
“To your room?” I ask.
“You’re insufferable.”
She prepares a bowl of salad with chicken strips and heats some bread, then she brings us each a plate. I can’t stop looking at her. Blake punches me lightly on the shoulder. “Stop trying to impregnate her with your eyes. That’s gross.”