Page 126 of Wreck Me

“Based on what?”

“She’s Celine.”

“That’s the thing. You have buried your head in that laptop. You know more about it than you do about people.”

“She’s family.”

“And even family can stab you in the back.”

Abigail’s going to drive me batshit crazy. The sun has long since set, but I continue doing laps. Pushing way past my physical limits and ignoring everything—my exhaustion and my technical director. Parker shouts from the two-way radio for the umpteenth time, and I finally snap out of it.

When I park, he asks, “What was that?”

I look at him, smirking. “Surpassing my record.”

“Three-day suspension.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“Give me more attitude and I’m going to pull you from the next race.”

Cursing under my breath, I haul my ass inside, shower, and change.

Following the app’s tracking location, I drive back to the college and step inside the library. I jerk my chin to every other student to leave, and they all scurry out.

Abigail is behind a shelf, going through books.

So many possibilities.

I take the keys from the desk and lock the door. With one press of a button, the curtains of the library bathe us in darkness. Only a small lamp flickers at the opposite end of the room.

I hear some books dropping and a “fuck” coming from her. In the next second, a flash of light illuminates the library.

“If I find out who you are, I’m going to make you regret it.”

Bring it on, princess.

I duck and hide behind a shelf, jiggling the keys. She grumbles, following the noise only for me to stop when she’s nearby. Her annoyance permeates the enclosed room, and I shake the keys again.

“I’m not a trained monkey.” Her irritation rings loud in her tone.

She moves faster, but I’m always one shelf out of reach. I shove the keys in my pocket and play with a strand of her hair. She whips her head in my direction, but I back up stealthily.


I chuckle and light my lighter. I stopped smoking two years ago, but I still like my Zippo. The flames calm me.

“Of course it had to be you.”

I shut the lid, getting in her face. Backing her against a shelf, the books rattle. She fights me off, but I shove my leg between hers. I grip her hands, and her phone drops to the floor with a thud, casting a dim light.

The fire in her eyes excites me like nothing else.

“Let go of me.”

“You kneed me in the balls once already.”

“Your fault, not mine.”