Page 114 of Wreck Me

“So, are we talking about this?” Blake asks, approaching the kitchen island.

“No,” I say. With my appetite gone, I go to my room, pressing my back to the door. Sliding down, I cave in.

Dane is here.

He’s here.

I can’t control my emotions or focus on anything course-related, so I end up pacing around. My room cages me in and with no one in the house, I decide to go for a drive.

The sun has long set by the time I return and come face-to-face with Blake.

“I’m out.”

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“A welcome party.”

“I’m coming too.”

He looks at me knowingly.

“Just to watch over you.”


He sees right through me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m going. Who could blame me after the day I had?

I change into a black, long-sleeve, open-back shirt, hiding the mark I will wear on my skin forever. My little rebellious act. That’s how I overcame what happened to me. I’m not going there. Living through it once was enough. I’m not giving those two assholes, Felix and Caleb, any more power over me.

I put on a pair of slim jeans and high heels. After dabbing my lips with red lipstick, I run my hands through my straight hair so no strand sticks out. The feeling of powerlessness evaporates when I have my red lipstick on.

When Blake parks in front of my dream house, I freeze. This can’t be. No, Dane would not do that. He is not the owner. That can’t be. I refuse to believe it.

I stumble out on shaky legs and expel tiny stuttering breaths.

Inside, the party is in full swing, students drinking and swaying to music in the same place I gave my virginity to him. I gave him everything that was mine to give. The memories hit me with a force that almost knocks me over.

A guy who I haven’t seen before approaches me. “I just found my dream woman.”

I arch an eyebrow. He’s blond and good-looking, with a perfect set of white teeth, and a charming smile, but he’s not the brand of madness I crave.

“I’m Alec.”

I search for Dane when the guy adds, “Do you watch Formula One? My best friend is about to win his third championship. He just moved here.”

My eyes must have gone wide, and now he thinks I’m interested in him, but my mind spins knowing that Dane bought the old mansion.

It feels surreal to be in a space where I put so much thought and heart into restoring. It feels like mine, yet it isn’t.

My chest warms when I see the result of my sketches in real life. What an incredible feeling. My eyes take in every detail, from the polished dark floors to the golden-black round lights. The original woodwork keeps that old touch, while the mix of black, green, and cream adds a modern touch. I wanted the mansion to fit in with the nature surrounding it. The result does just that—perfectly—both on the outside and on the inside.

I snap out of my trance, remembering what Alec said.

“So, partying. How lackluster,” I mumble under my breath.

Disappointment hits me, and he rushes to answer.

“No, it’s not like that, but I thought I’d surprise Dane. He needs to loosen up, if you know what I mean.”