Page 111 of Wreck Me

“My ego is a tamed kitty.”

“No, it’s a sleeping panther.”

I burst into laughter as I drive into the service garage. Taking off my helmet, my team gives me shit.

“I packed your lunch,” Jeremy, one of the control engineers, says.

“Don’t start fights with other kids,” Derek, an engine engineer, says.

“Fuck off.”

“He just wants a career to fall back on when his good looks don’t bring in all the millions,” Tim, the spotter, says.

I run after him, but he ducks, circling my car.

“Don’t be late.” Samuel points at me, and I get in my car. The red beauty was a gift to myself after I won my second championship. Excitement kicks in every time I start the engine, and it purrs under me.

It is vital to control and redirect all that energy zapping through you when you’re at the start line. Everything is enhanced, and overcoming the pressure makes or breaks you as a race car driver.

But now, as I drive toward Eagleton College, my heart races and my mind is all over the place.

If I don’t escape the chokehold she still has on me, I will always be stuck in this hellish limbo, trapped with the ghost of my past. This sick brain of mine would feed off that weakness all my life. But I’m here to get better on every level.

The campus is spread over acres of land, with the impressive gray college building in the middle. I don’t even know what she studies or where she lives.

I pass the security, the wrought-iron gates opening. Students are milling around the campus, walking, chatting, coming, and going out of various buildings connected to the main one.

I park the car and as I step out, a black McLaren pulls in and parks right next to me. When Blake gets out, he shakes his head at me and crosses his arms over his chest.

“That’s the first time I wanted you to be a fucking mirage.”

I jerk my chin in a greeting. “Blake.”

“What are you doing here?”


His eyebrows draw together. “Look, I have no problem with you. So don’t start any problems with me, and we’re all good.”

“I’m not here to cause problems.”

“Asshole, you scream problems.”

I chuckle, and we approach the other, shaking hands.

“So?” he asks. There’s something darker in his gaze, his bulkier body giving off a brooding vibe.

“I moved here.”

“You know how huge this country is?”

“It’s also a free one.”

“You’re playing with fire.”

“Nah, man, just a few flames.”

We walk in the same direction, and I ask him, “What are you studying?”