Page 61 of Wreck Me

“Are you okay?”

“I want to apologize. It was my mistake and I take full responsibility for that. It’s no excuse, but I found out something, and it messed with me.”

He takes in a lungful of air and says, “Never expected that. You sound good.”

Only my heart is on fire, but my brain is perfectly calm.

“What do you want?”

“A second chance.”


“You know how I can be when I want something. I don’t want to end up like my father.”

“You’re one damn good emotional blackmailer. Fix whatever pushed you to do that, then you have to get the okay from Denny. When you come back, if you can still drive like that, we’ll talk.”

“You know I will.”

He chuckles, and I call my father next.

“Dane?” It’s now that I realize how his tone is always on alert when I call him.

“I want to say thank you.”

“So what is it you want?”

I burst into laughter and scoot back against the bedframe.

“Racing is my life.”

“It almost cost you your life.”

“I talked to Mark.”

“I’m not going to like this.”

“Let’s be honest, I’m always going to be fucked up in the head.”

“Don’t say that.”

“You want to know why I lost it that night? I’ll tell you only if we keep this a secret from Mom.”


“I found out that my dad didn’t die of a heart attack, it was suicide.”

“Who the fuck—” He stops himself from saying more, and I wait, hoping he understands how pivotal this could be for us. “I’m sorry you had to find out like that.”

“If you would have told me, things would have turned out differently.”

I have never believed in destiny, not until I met Abigail. So I might regret acting recklessly, but never that it brought me to her.

“Your mother and I tried to protect you. You’re hell-bent on believing you’re just like Bobby. You’re not.”

“That doesn’t make it any less true that I have it too. But I’m going to work on my bipolar disorder not letting it turn me into an inconsiderate wreck with suicidal tendencies. I’m going to do whatever it takes.”

“The only way I would let you in a car is if you get clearance.”