We walk inside hand in hand, and I tilt my head to him. “Now, I’m going to finish that drawing of yours. At our home, in our bedroom. Where we will build our future.”
He smiles so brightly it lights up my insides.
“Lead the way, princess.”
As we walk up the stairs, I lean my cheek against his arm. “I want to make a home here. Private, just us being normal. I mean, our kind of normal.”
“I have only one condition.”
“And that would be?”
“Never ask me if I’m sure about something regarding us. The answer is always yes.”
In the hallway, he scoops me into his arms, carrying me bridal style to our bedroom.
“Say what I have been longing to hear since the very beginning.”
“I’m your girlfriend, your woman, your future fiancée, wife, and mother of your children, and everything in between— your little whore and good girl.”
He shuts the door with his foot and says, “Welcome home, my everything.”
I insisted Dane continue his training, so he wasn’t there when Kaden and Hunter went after Felix and found him just days later. He was hiding in a cabin not far from Greenville and planning his escape.
After Felix was caught, I went to Grandmother and told her I would continue her legacy. In exchange, she granted me a favor. This time, we’re taking the fight to Felix. Dane is next to me, his body oozing impatience for exacting his revenge.
At the tunnel, a guard opens the door for us. Grandmother had the room where Felix had his eyes on everyone rebuilt into two cells where both he and Caleb were incarcerated. That’s a dish of irony that I hope Felix chokes on.
Dane has his palm on my back as we step inside Felix’s cell, side by side. It’s a gray and musty room with no windows. A bed rests against the opposite wall, and there is a small table with two chairs and a steel toilet in the right corner. Quite the fall from his powerful position.
His escape was short-lived. He sits at a table with a chessboard, playing alone.
“Remember when we used to play chess when I was younger, but we stopped because you couldn’t handle that I won?” I ask him.
“What do you want, Abigail?” he asks, voice laced with barely contained rage.
“You said the queen’s only role is to protect the king, another pawn with a fancier title.”
He rolls his eyes, swiping a hand through the air. “Enjoy this fake power while you can.”
“Look at me. I am the queen who overthrew the king. You are at my mercy. Never forget that. The fact that you are here is not out of my good heart or will, but to make an example out of you.”
I turn my wrist so he can see the tattoo I proudly wear.
“A little whore with no class.”
In one swift move, Dane has his hand curled around Felix’s neck, lifting him a bit. Felix’s eyes bulge out. I offer Dane a small nod, and he lets him down. Felix sputters and inhales deeply, sinking back into the chair.
“Dane is a bit impulsive when it comes to me. I’m trying to keep you alive, but I can’t guarantee it when you’re insisting on being irresponsible.”
Dane takes the seat in front of Felix, never losing sight of him. Pulling me onto his lap, he smirks at him.
“Get out, you little whore, and take that scumbag with you.”
Dane shifts to stand up, but I place my hand on his thigh, giving a little squeeze. This asshole is trying to rile me up. He won’t succeed.
I tsk. “Uncle, I’m very proud to be a little whore. I’m his little whore.”