Page 153 of Wreck Me

Felix knows Dane’s here. My heart beats so loud I’m afraid he can hear it.

“The Family has my complete loyalty.”


He sips from his drink, and from his expression, I know he’s getting restless, but I can’t have him looking for his phone. Mia returns, and he leers at her, looking from her to me as if not knowing who to pick. A shudder travels down my back, but I smile in his face. From the corner of my eye, I see Mia slipping his phone back. I watch her intently, letting her know I’m aware of what she did.

When Celine, Kaden, and Hunter return, I let out a sigh of relief. Celine slips the key card into Mia’s hand, who returns it to its owner. Not even a moment later, Felix’s phone rings. I have so many questions, but this is not the moment for that. All of us stand in a circle, silent accusations and building tension stretching.

When Felix returns, he says, “A word with you all. Your house is on fire. Initial investigations suspect it may have been arson.”

“Oh my god,” I shriek.

Celine looks right at Kaden, and he shows no reaction, which sets off even more alarm bells in my head.

“Do you have any idea who could have done this?” Felix asks.

Neither of us says anything, and I swallow the lump lodged in my throat. No, I am paranoid. Dane is not behind the fire.

“Don’t worry, I already sent a crew,” Felix says.

“Where will we stay now?” I ask.

“You can come live with us,” Mia suggests.

“We could all stay with them,” Celine offers.

Felix’s brows furrow. “I don’t like the idea.”

I don’t like the idea either, but we have to know what these three are up to.

“Father, with all due respect, we need a place to stay until our house is renovated. Their house is a suitable alternative,” Kaden says.

A vein might pop in Felix’s neck. It gives me incredible joy.

“Fine, but you’ll move right back in after the renovations.”

Kaden dips his chin in a nod, pushing his hands into his pockets.

When Felix leaves, I open my mouth to get my answers, but then Kaden pulls me to his side.

“We’re being watched. Not here.”

I freeze, nodding while terror knots my limbs.

When Celine, Mia, and Hunter leave, we say our goodbyes as well and get into our cars.

We have one more night here, and then we can leave only to move in with them. I still don’t know if they are enemies or potential friends.

Our group moves into Kaden’s childhood home for the night.

“Okay, what happened in there?” I ask once we’re in the living room.

“I followed Celine and Hunter as they sneaked into the underground tunnel.”

“There’s an underground tunnel? How come we don’t know that?” Bailey says, face paling.

Blake goes to the bar and fills a glass with whiskey.