Page 136 of Wreck Me

“I can’t even look at you right now.”

How can we go from sharing something beautiful to this?

“I can’t do this again, Abigail. Are you this fucking cruel?”

I jump into his arms to stop him, to say with my body what I can’t tell him with words. Wrapping myself around him, I bury my face in his neck.

If he leaves now, I will shatter. The demons lurk right at the back of my mind, waiting, always waiting to catch me in their clutches.

I hold on to him like he’s my safeguard while knowing I’m the anchor that pulls him into the deep end, drowning him.

“Don’t hold me like you need me.”

His chest heaves with a deep sigh when I don’t move. “Abigail, princess, you made a fool of me so many times already. If you ever felt something for me, let me go.”

I stiffen in his arms, then peel myself away from him.

“Or make me stay. Give me a reason to stay. I need just one fucking reason.” What he doesn’t say sounds even more clear. If someone has that power, it’s me.

But I don’t. Instead, I climb into my bed and get under the covers. Pulling them over my head, hiding my hurt while counting one reason after the other.

Nothing has changed.

Nothing will change.

Dejection curls its claws around my neck, slicing me when he’s gone. I could have given him what he wanted, and then this misery would have ended.

But I can’t. And if he finally stays away, I will find the strength to do the same.

I am weeping on the inside because my tears have dried out over time. I’ve cried over my love for him, over his loss, over what we could have had—not for minutes or hours, but for days and months.

A knock on my door pulls me from my depressing thoughts, and Blake steps inside.

“How are you?”

I shrug. How do you tell anyone who cares about you that you’re slowly fading away?

The cure to my heartache is so near, yet taking it would not only be selfish but would end catastrophically. Dane could heal me. Only him.

“I saw Dane tiptoeing out. He loves you, Abi.”

“And because I love him, I can’t…”

“Both you and Kaden are fucking martyrs.”

No, just people in love. When you love, you want to protect the other person, keep them safe. It’s enough that I went through what I did and have to live with that pain pulsating inside of me.

“When you fall in love, you’ll understand.”

“If you say so.”

He leans against the doorframe, clothed casually in jeans, a shirt, and a bomber jacket.

“Going out?”

“Have a few fights tonight.”

“One is not enough?”