I grab his hand and place it on my tummy. When he feels his daughter kick, his eyes widen and an avalanche of emotions crash into my heart at the look of wonder on his face.
“Are those tears?”
He nods and I kiss the top of his head, threading my finger through his hair.
“Vulnerability is a sign of strength, baby,” I say and get out of bed to get ready for my checkup.
Excitement bubbles inside me as we step inside Dr. Lopez’s office.
Hopefully, this time we will find out what we are expecting. With our hands squeezed together, she prepares my belly for the ultrasound.
With a smile, she turns to us. “Someone decided to turn around.”
I squeal and Kian’s eyes widen at the ultrasound.
“Would you like to know?” Dr. Lopez asks.
“Yes,” we say in unison, smiling at each other.
My heart threatens to burst free when she opens her mouth and says the words I’ve been longing to hear.
“It’s a girl.”
My chest feels tight with all the happiness. His trembling hands cradle my face, and Kian kisses me with soft lips, murmuring a ‘thank you’.
His eyes reflect a love encompassing the world and more. I am emotions packed in flesh and bones.
Hand in hand we leave the doctor’s office, our smiles still on our faces.
“You’re going to be a girl dad. I bet she’ll put you on your knees,” I tease him on the way to the car.
“I did it for her mother first.”
Neither will I tire of his love declarations.
“I love you,” I say and one second later my feet don’t touch the ground anymore as he lifts me up. My giggles echo how happy he makes me.
“Angel, I love you so fucking much.”
When I am in the car, he bends down for another kiss before he closes the door and rounds the car to the driver’s seat.
Chapter 32
A baby girl. Every day I get to see her growing inside my wife and my protectiveness reaches new levels. I watch over them like a hawk, even though there is no threat. On the contrary, nothing bad ever happens here, and I am beginning to understand Ellia’s concerns. Here, it’s just the two of us and our need and desperation to be together, loving each other.
“I found the perfect name for her, actually I dreamed of it.” She beams and sits next to me on the couch.
I shut my laptop, everything else can wait. Nothing compares to knowing the woman I love is carrying my baby. It borders on obsession, this need to love her, to make her so damn happy she’d forget about the divorce papers.
Every day, I hope she would tear them up, but she doesn’t, and the gloom clamors in the back of my head. It’s grating on my happiness, not letting me forget it could all be temporary.
“Kira Reyes,” she says.
A storm of feelings rushes through me.