“I’m cold.” She shivers and I sit next to her, tugging her to me, careful not to disturb the IV.
“What can I do? Should I call someone?”
She grips my shirt. “I’m terrified I will lose the baby.”
I cradle her face and I kiss her eyelids. “Angel, I have never met someone as strong as you. You will be fine, the baby will be fine.”
Tears escape her eyes. Her body shakes, and I lean us back with her in my arms, stroking her belly. Seeing her terrified like this kills me. I would give everything to make her feel better.
“I am not going anywhere. I love you.”
Ellia is asleep before Esther pokes her head inside. She glances at her niece and the usual coldness present when she looks at me dims. I tuck Ellia in and follow Esther into the hallway where Austin and Jake are waiting.
“She’s asleep,” I inform the group.
“The anti-nausea medication and IV fluids should be enough for her to gain some strength back,” Austin says and takes a lungful of air. “If not, we might have to use a nasogastric tube.”
Fucking hell. That would traumatize her.
“No, you’re not putting tubes in her.”
“I’m the doctor. I know what I am doing.”
“Kian, understand she has to eat,” Jake tries, and I stare at the door.
“I know.” I fucking know. “Find another solution,” I say and head back to Ellia’s room
When she wakes up, some color returns to her face. The torment in me eases a notch. I kiss the top of her head.
“Let’s try some crackers,” I say.
Eyes locked, an understanding passes between us.
Please, whatever fucking deity, let her keep this down.
She nibbles on a cracker while my hand grazes her stomach.
Please little one, Mommy needs this.
When she doesn’t throw them up, I could jump from the relief coursing through me.
“I don’t want to be here anymore,” she implores.
“I know, angel.” I would change places with her if I could. Seeing the woman I love in pain is the worst fucking torture. Her features soften as if she can read my thoughts. I press my palm to her cheek, and she leans into my touch. Ellia continues to eat the crackers slowly, and I ease up as she keeps them down.
Esther and Jake walk in, interrupting our peaceful moment.
“How are you, sweetie?” Esther asks.
I am one better away from getting a fucking rash from this word. They chat while I look through houses in the area, sent to me by my real estate agent. The fresh air here is better than the overheated oven that is Las Vegas.
After they say goodbye to Ellia for the night, I show her the pictures of a lodge I plan to buy if she likes it.
Her brows furrow at the pic.
“Don’t you like it? There are more options, if not.” I swipe to the next one.