A line digs between her brows, as she watches me with caution. I fucking hate that. She’s fighting with herself, but it won’t help her get rid of me. I’ll make sure of that. She nibbles on a donut and I’m relieved she’s keeping food down. I caress her belly, thanking our baby for allowing her to have this small pleasure. Love and protectiveness swell inside me.
I’m going to be a father.
I grab her waist, dip my head, and press my lips to her flat stomach. She holds her breath. Does she feel it? This need for her owning me? How could I ever let go of the one person who is my entire world? I can’t. Nothing can stop me from claiming these two as mine, loving, cherishing, and protecting them. My life, my love, my world.
Her fingers thread through my hair, and I close my eyes, savoring this peaceful moment. It’s how Austin finds us, and I smirk.
His shoulder sags and he asks, without that sparkle of interest present, “How are you feeling, Ellia?”
“Better. I want to leave. Can I?”
What if she won’t come with me? I push myself off the chair and sit at the edge of the bed. We have a deal. If she won’t come with me, I’m staying here or I’ll follow her wherever she goes. Nothing else matters, just her and my baby growing inside her.
What if I am a shit father?
Panic brews inside me and I inhale, gripping the edge of the hospital bed to shake it off.
Ellia’s eyes sweep from me to him and says, “Austin, can we have a moment, please?”
He leaves and I plop down on my chair, head in my hands, a heavy exhale rattling me.
Chapter 7
His face is panic-stricken. I am surprised it took this long for panic to settle in. His body rocks in silent brooding, and he holds his head between his hands.
He lifts those gray eyes that hold me captive, with no intention of ever letting me go.
“Talk to me.”
He drags a hand down his face, and his leg bounces up and down. “We’re going to have a baby.” He lets out a shuddering breath.
“We’re going to be fine.”
“Our baby will hate me.” He jumps to his feet, a lion in a cage, prowling around in unease. “I couldn’t even show the only woman I have ever loved that I love her. What have I done?” He paces from one side of the room to the other, making me dizzy.
“We have done it constantly.” I chuckle. I thought my facial muscles would forget the movement.
He stops pacing, His eyes heating up with mischief. At least I got him to think of something else. Yes, good job. Now he’s thinking about sex.
“And we’ll do it again, won’t we?” His raspy voice, those rich and smooth sounds, coax my every nerve ending. It’s uncanny the power he holds over me.
“No.” But it ends on a higher note and he cocks a brow.
“Is that an affirmation or a question?”
I hide my face in my hands.
“It doesn’t matter. We have a deal. That means it will happen.”
“You said you would try.”
“I know, but I’m not going back to Las Vegas. I need more time.”