“He’ll come by later.”
“Kira is making sure that I don’t have any energy left to be mad at him, or anyone else for that matter.”
After I burp her, I place her down. Our eyes meet over her crib, the love between us a living, pulsing, uninterrupted wire of sparks.
It’s late when the intercom rings. While I rock Kira after a fit of crying, Kian goes downstairs, and I hear him and Brandon talking.
Brandon tiptoes into the room, his eyes wide when they land on her.
“I can’t believe it, she’s here,” he says, voice filled with awe.
“Yes, she’s loud, too,” I say.
“I don’t believe that,” he says and Kian scrunches his face in affirmation.
Brandon sways on his feet and says, “Jillian was institutionalized. They think it’s schizophrenia.”
“I am sorry, Brandon.”
“She was lucid once, and she said she’s sorry, like that makes it better.”
“She’s ill.” I lean against his side to comfort him.
“How didn’t I notice it?”
“It’s not your fault.”
Kira blinks and her eyes halt on him.
“I think I am in love,” he says, amazement rising with every syllable.
I put her in his arms, while his face draws up in panic.
“Are you sure?”
“Rock her. She should be asleep any moment now.”
“She’s so little, and she looks like Kian.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Kian grumbles, adoration flickering in his eyes. Brandon leans into me and whispers, “Let’s hope she has your personality.”
A chuckle slips from my mouth, warmth spreading through me. Love, ease, undiluted happiness filling me up with helium, I feel light weighted. My small, perfect family.
Chapter 45
My heart bursts with this overwhelming love, as if my life has a completely new meaning and purpose, and it all revolves around Kira. But it’s not just me, everyone that has seen her is incapable of resisting loving her.
Brandon’s eyes find mine, revealing he would do anything for her, and relief surges through me. My daughter will only know love.
“I’ll go take a shower.” My wife raises on her toes to kiss me.
“I am fine. Take your time.”
This woman holds my entire world together. I will love her until there are no tomorrows left. She offers me that smile, that’s just for me, deeper, secretive, teasing.