“Yes, he loves you, too.”
I tuck him in, and a moment later, he has passed out. His mouth hangs open, a cacophony of snoring explodes in the room.
I waddle back up the stairs and pick up my cell from the bed. Kian’s eyes bore into mine, his jaw set in a hard line.
“As I expected, it was Brandon,” I say, trying to placate him. “Baby? I am fine, we’re fine, but he’s very very drunk.”
“See you tonight.”
I hate it when he is stubborn because something didn’t go his way. But he has to understand that I will act as I want to. Still I can’t have any friction between us, not so close to my due date. And not after missing him like crazy these last few days.
I summon all my patience, reminding myself that his controlling tendencies come from a good place, from his need to protect me. It only gets worse when he’s away, especially after months of my pregnancy being a straining one.
“Don’t be mad at me!”
“I am not mad at you for being you, angel.”
“But you can’t have control over every situation.”
His eyes lock on mine brimming with that mix of concern and raw love. “Is it so bad I want you and Kira safe?”
“Is it so bad I want you to inhale and exhale and just relax?” I retort, and his features lose their extra layer of hardness.
“And don’t be mad at Brandon either,” I warn him.
“Is that a threat, wife?” Incredulity flashes in his eyes and I wave a hand noncommittally.
“Playing the victim with me, honestly? Your daughter will be a master manipulator if she takes after you.”
“I hope she inherits everything from you.”
That draws a smile on my lips. “Come back home safe to us and behave!”
Kian runs a hand down his face, and I finally notice the bags under his eyes, his skin is a tad more pale, and my heart constricts. I’ll run him a hot bath when he gets home. We’ll spend a relaxing night watching a movie and I’ll stroke his scalp until he falls asleep.
Once we hang up, I go into the kitchen and plop down on a high back stool. I grab a green apple from the fruit bowl. The first succulent bite I was savoring is interrupted by the incessant knocking on the door to the penthouse.
I open the door and Jillian shoves me out of the way. Jax, one of the security guard approaches but I mouth I have this and close the door behind us. She turns to me, and I blink. My hand flies to my mouth at her disheveled appearance, strands of hair loose from her bun, and her shirt is on backwards and untucked.
“Hello, Jillian,” I say, keeping my voice calm so I don’t startle her. “Can I help you?”
She swings her head in my direction and stalks over to me, stopping less than a foot away.
“You!” she roars, waving a finger in my face.
“Are you all right?”
Her face only reddens further, and her eyes flicker with rage.
“You, since you came into our lives, you’ve ruined everything!”
“Should I call Brandon?”
She stomps a foot on the floor and shouts, “He doesn’t look at me the same. All I did was love him, and you ruined everything.”
She shoves me back and I stumble but catch myself.
“Kian gave you up, and you were supposed to be with my boy. But no, you had to pick that shithead over my son.”