Page 131 of Mine to Worship

“Now, you have the perfect view,” I say and caress my belly.

“It’s hard to ignore.”

“It was with your help I got in this position.” I would go through everything again a thousand times over just to get here. His love feeds my soul endless joy.

“And what a satisfactory position indeed,” he says with a nostalgic touch. The pregnancy is the best thing that happened to us.

“Ellia?” Brandon asks from behind the door and I call out, “I am in the bathtub.”

“Will you be okay if I leave you alone for a few hours?”

“Brandon, do not leave her alone!” Kian yells.

“Yes, I’ll be fine.” I glare at Kian, and he glares right back. He clearly hears the door slam shut behind Brandon because he rakes a hand through his hair, his jaw set in displeasure.

“Why do you have to be this damn selfless?” Kian asks.

“He needs some time alone, and I am fine. We are fine.”

“I have been there. I saw you when you were sick, and in the hospital. When was the last time you threw up? Today, right?”

“Kian, baby...”

“No, I am thousands of miles away, and if something happens, it will take me hours to get there.” Frustration oozes from him and I move to the other side of the tub, closer to the phone.

“You have to stop worrying so much.”

“I can’t.”

He sighs and his distress crawls inside my brain as I try to reason with that unrealistic side of him, always switching to the worst case scenario.

“You’ll be home tomorrow, and everything will be right again. I love you. Trust me, I can take care of me and our baby.”

“It’s not about trust, it’s... You’re my world, I have to protect that, angel.”

“A world, not a flower. And the world is rock hard, not delicate,” I counter with a smile.

His features soften. “It’s impossible to argue with you.”

“Then let it be.”

I shampoo my hair and lather my body with the loofah. My skin prickles where his heated gaze meets my skin. He exhales a heavy breath, telling of his need and pushing me on the edge with desire. I stand up and carefully exit the bath before wrapping a towel around my body.

“I have never seen something more beautiful than you. All the paintings in the world have nothing on you.”

I believe him, there is no doubt as I catch his eyes burning with sincerity and raw adoration. “You’re so getting laid in a few weeks,” I tell him.

He chuckles, the sounds warming up my heart.

I brush my teeth, towel dry my hair then put it up in a messy bun before I get into a pair of boxers and one of his shirts, knowing the effect that will have on him. I take my phone with me into the bedroom and climb under the duvet.

“I love you, angel.”

“And I love you, husband.”

“Good night, wife.”

Even if our marriage started on a completely wrong premise, saying I do felt right.