Page 129 of Mine to Worship

“He stopped being my son the moment you showed me those pictures.”

“And still…”

“We make our own decisions. This was his.”

“He won’t survive long out there.”

“Then he will die just like what he has become, a cockroach.”

I had refused to accept the similarities between Walter and me until now. Yes, he is my father. We share the same principles.

I type a quick text to Kieran, one of the trio that makes up the most dangerous Syndicate in the States.

I’m in charge.

He knows what that means. In our world, one hand washes the other, and we exchange favors as regular people exchange beers.

We’re done when we reach the end goal, and I’ve reached mine.

Chapter 42


I miss Kian.

The sun dips below the horizon, shortening the time until he’ll be back.

Tomorrow, he’ll be here, back with us. I didn’t have to ask how it went, his eyes, clear of the usual torment, were proof enough.

I sigh, wishing I could hug the child in him and tell him he’s loved, he’s wanted, he’s strong, and things will get better.

I’m bundled up on the couch with a book when a ringtone interrupts my reading and I snap my head to Brandon’s phone discarded on the table. Its constant ringing is alarming me.

“Brandon, your phone!”

He runs down the hallway from the shower, still knotting his bathrobe, water dripping on the floor.

“Why are you calling?” he answers, pacing around. “You lost me the moment I realized all I was to you was a means to an end.” He rolls his eyes. “Yes, I knew what he had planned.” Brandon stops pacing and lets out a short laugh. “Oh, that is rich coming from you, but hey you can prove to us what a bad ass you really are and live how he lived for years. Let’s see you do that.” He walks to the window and looks out at the sunset falling down the city, gaze tense with anger. “You child abuser. How many girls were there, huh?” He recoils and I walk to him, rubbing a calming hand across his back, in an attempt to soothe his anger. “Mom is my problem. I’ll deal with her when I am not repulsed by your names!” He turns around, his face more determined than I have ever seen it. “Don’t call me again. I have no father.”

His entire body trembles when he hangs up, and his chest is heaving.

I put my arms around him and rest my face on his chest. “It’s okay.”

Hysterical laughter bursts out of him.

“He said if he’d known I’d end up like this, he would have made my mother abort me.”

I flinch, freezing up. That despicable man.

“Richard’s a sad and awful human being. I am glad neither you nor Kian take after him.”

“How have I been this blind?”

“We see mostly what we want to see.”

I place his hand on my stomach, trying to comfort him, and his face lightens up.

“She kicked!” he says in amazement before his face drops and he tenses up again.