“I will tell you this once. If my wife is in that room, there is no force in this world that will keep me from her.”
A hint of apprehension passes his eyes.
“Kian, let her rest, she needs it,” Esther says.
“What’s wrong with her?” I turn to her aunt, and she and Jake exchange glances. The secrecy is driving me crazy. I move past them only to have Esther grab my elbow.
“Ellia doesn’t want you here. You’ve caused enough harm.”
I gnash my teeth at the reminder. As if I don’t fucking know what I did. “I am here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
She looks shocked before sadness clouds her face.
“I was wrong, you're not like him.” After a beat of silence, she adds, “You’re right, it’s better if the two of you talk.”
I run a hand down my face. I am fucking exhausted, worried out of my mind, and I will explode if I don’t see her now.
I call on the last flickers of patience and say, “I just want to make sure she’s all right.”
Esther nods at me, as if she understands, and Jake squints at me with anger. I smirk at the nice doctor balling his fists at his sides.
Inside the white room, her frail body stabs at my chest. A needle pokes her vein, and my eyes follow the clear bag with its constant dripping. Her hands are curled over her belly.
I drop on the chair next to her, taking her in. Potent emotions choke me up until I can barely hold them back. I place my hand over hers.
Without my angel, I’m lost, and nothing has meaning.
Chapter 5
Long before I open my eyes, I know Kian’s here. It’s his heady, woodsy smell, his presence causing every atom in my body to vibrate. He caresses my palm with his thumb. I open my eyes to mesmerizing gray greenish orbs holding me captive. He can’t be here.
Why is he here? An avalanche of emotions subdue me, and I suffocate under the weight.
His eyes fill with a plethora of emotions I don’t want to acknowledge.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, his deep, husky voice awakening butterflies in my stomach, concern furrowing his brows. He snaps his head at the door opening and he relaxes when a nurse comes inside.
Her eyes widen, and she almost trips looking at him. Nothing new. He squeezes my hand, and on instinct, I relax.
“I am here to check on you. Any more nausea?” The nurse asks me.
“Please press the button if you need anything. I am on duty tonight.”
The nurse leaves and he asks, voice shaking with concern, “What’s wrong? Are you in pain?” He stares down the IV embedded in my vein as if it’s the enemy. An enemy he’ll destroy for causing me discomfort.
Anger courses through my veins, a tornado lifting my insides in a destructive whirl. I yank my hand from his. “Not your problem. Why are you here? Go back to whoever you left.”
He stands and places his hands on each side of my face. He leans in, his nose trailing up my neck and goosebumps scatter on my skin. His breath is like a satin caress on my ear.
“It is my problem because you’re my wife, and I love you. I’m worried, and I missed you.” His knuckles brush my cheek, and his voice lowers to liquid tenderness. “I had to find you and…” A small chuckle escapes him. “I needed a break. I’ve had enough brother bonding on my honeymoon.”