“I’ll be in the office and running from one meeting to another. But if there is something, anything, you need, please call me.”
“I’ll text you.”
Relief colors his features. He’s at the door when he stills, turns and says, “Fuck it, it’s my company, anyway.” Strides back to me and kisses me once more until we’re both breathless then he leaves the penthouse.
My flushed body reminds me that he might be gone, but he left his mark on me. My eyes meet the clearest evidence, my belly, and I caress it.
“I can’t wait to meet you.”
I grab my cell from the nightstand and see an entire chat conversation unfolding from Aubrey and Tara who want to know when we’ll meet. I type.
She’s awake, people! See you then. Aubrey exclaims.
Can’t wait to see you, Tara replies.
I walk through the penthouse, and I smile at myself when I stop in front of the gallery room. Once inside, my hand flies to my mouth.
In the center of the room is the drawing of our hands entwined on my belly––my little family. Emotions swirl inside of me, making my insides cotton candy. Memories of all the times we shared our love for art, from when he caught me in here to the best Valentine’s day ever pop up on the screen of my mind from the memory box. Maybe there is something akin to destiny at work here and each step I took was one decision that brought me nearer to him.
We found each other, as if his brokenness and my hiding were meant to meet and form a piece of art no one but us can interpret, something exclusively ours.
I lock the room behind me as my daughter throws fits for food in my stomach. I have only gained thirteen pounds, but the doctor assured me she’s fine. For me, it’s a wonder I have gained any weight at all. My belly is the sole evidence that I did.
In the walk-in closet, dresses hang from the shelves. I pick a floral sundress that hugs my belly, and wrap a matching bandana around my head, arranging my bangs with my curls bouncing down my back.
I take the elevator downstairs and the staff stop to look at me when I step into the lobby. I greet everyone with a smile and Anna rushes to me.
We hug then she says, “You’re looking great.”
“Thank you.”
At the reception area, I wait off to the side while she checks in some guests. Once she’s done, she turns to me, and says, “It has to be the longest honeymoon in history. I am jealous.”
“I’ve been pregnant most of the time,” I say, placing a hand on my belly and she sighs dreamily.
“How have you been?” I ask her.
She shrugs. “Same, working, still single.”
We chat for a while and Lorene steps inside the lobby. She sees me and a beam blossoms on her face. We meet in the middle.
“You’re back,” she says excitedly.
“Oh, Lorene, I am so sorry. I left you hanging, but she happened.” I point to my stomach.
“No need to apologize. Welcome back.”
“Thank you,” I say, feeling grateful for the continual support I receive.
She loops her elbow around mine. “I bet you miss your studio. But first, let me show you the gallery.”
On the way to the elevator, she says, “If it weren’t for that bump, I wouldn’t think you’re pregnant.”
“I’ve had a complicated pregnancy and it has been a challenge, especially in the first trimester.”
“Oh, honey.” She clutches her big pearls, her eyes shining with sympathy.