Page 139 of Mine to Worship

“How was it?” I ask.

“Anticlimactic, but still satisfying.”

“Do you feel better now?”

He trails his fingers lazily down my belly.

“It was never about feeling better. Psychologists say that when you have been a victim of abuse, it helps when you regain your power. Destroying Richard was my way of gaining back my power. Right or not, I don’t care. Years of nightmares, their faces, their broken bones, those dull unseeing eyes…. I couldn’t let it be.”

I caress his hand. “I want you to be happy and realize you are worth loving. You are beautiful, brilliant, loyal, and you have achieved so much. You took your own fate in your hands. You stopped being a victim when you became a survivor. Your strength is admirable.”

“You here, in my arms, accepting and loving me with all my flaws and believing I am good enough, it makes me think I am.”

He nibbles on my neck. “I love you,” he whispers, and my heart dances to the rhythm of the intense feelings he creates inside of me.

“It never gets old, hearing that.” I lift his hand to my lips and place a kiss on his palm.

“I hope so, because I intend to say it on a daily basis.”

My heart soaks up his words, dripping from how full it is with the love I feel.

He sinks the loofah in the water and lathers my skin, washing me with utter care, especially when he gets to the spot on my back. I barely refrain myself from bursting into tears of joy, of love, of relief this time.

When we step out of the bathtub, Kian gently dries me, turning me into mush. I wrap the towel around me, and I’m surprised to feel a gush of liquid that splashes onto the floor. I see the puddle between my legs and shriek. We both stare at the wet floor.

“My waters broke.”

“I can see that.”

We continue to stare at the wet floor and each other.

“We have to go to the hospital,” I say finally.

“Oh! Right! Fuck!” He takes my hand, pulling us into our room. “Let’s go!”

I yank him back.

“Kian, you’re naked.”

“Fuck!” He darts into the closet, and I suppress a smile. He has his shirt on wrong, then he’s jumping up and down trying to put socks on. I burst into hysterical laughter, my entire body contracts and my breath hitches with the contraction.

“What was that?” he asks.

“It’s fine, I think it’s starting.”

“What? How the fuck can it happen so fast?”

“I just had my first contraction. She won’t just rush out.” Hopefully.

“Are you sure? Let me see.” He drops to his knees, and I glare at him, clenching my legs together.

“Oh no. What you’re going to do is bring me the blue dress hanging in the closet.”

“Did you take something? How are you so calm.”

“One of us has to be!” I shout back and pat my hair, combing through the curls.

He puts a hand on his forehead and says, “This is my first child.”