His jaw slacks and his eyes find me.
I mouth to him, “She needs help.”
“Come with me to my suite, Mom. It will be just the two of us for a while.”
“Yes, but don’t leave her alone for long. Look at her belly, it’s almost time.”
“I won’t take long,” he says, looking at me over his shoulder in reassurance when he opens the door.
“I’ll be fine,” I tell him and he takes his mother away, the door shutting quietly behind them.
When the adrenaline spike falls, I catch my reflection in the big mirror on the wall. Pale complexion, puffy cheek, and a red arm are the evidence that really happened. It wasn’t my imagination.
My temples throb and with one hand, I caress my belly, and with the other, I massage my forehead. The intercom rings and Jax asks, “Mrs. Reyes, is everything all right?”
“Yes, thank you. It’s all sorted.”
I go into the living room and sit on the couch. “It’s okay, Kira, we’re fine now,” I repeat to myself, more than to her. I call Dr. Lopez and she assures me she’s on the way. I count the torturous, endless minutes until she’s here.
When she arrives, she calms me down then she checks both of us. She confirms we’re fine, nothing is broken, nor ruptured, just some bruising.
“You were lucky,” she says and tells me I need to ice the bruised spots and to get some rest.
Once I’m alone again, I cry and cry, letting the tears out until I calm down for the second time. I make myself a chamomile tea and as I’m swirling the honey with my spoon, Brandon walks into the kitchen.
He looks even paler than before. I offer him my cup and prepare another one. He drinks his tea, and we stare at each other for a moment. His beaten voice penetrates the eerie silence.
“She’s in my suite. I gave her a sleeping pill to keep her calm until the doctor comes over,” he says.
“How are you feeling?”
“Hungover. My life is collapsing around me and I can’t do anything to hold it together.”
I place my hand on his, and his voice cracks with sincerity.
“I am so damn sorry that you had to go through that. I can’t even look at you knowing my mom hurt you.”
“She needs help,” I say.
“Why are you so damn forgiving, huh?”
“Stop feeling guilty. None of this is your fault.”
“I am their son.”
“You are nothing like them,” I say, resolute.
He covers his face behind his hands, sobbing. I hug him, rubbing his back slowly.
“I have no clue what to do, Ellia.”
“One step at a time, that’s what you’ll do. I am here for you, and Kira too. We’re family.”
“Not when Kian finds out about this.”
“It’s not your fault,” I say and take his hands in mine.
Kian will lose his shit, literally when he sees me. I have no idea how to juggle the situation, but I will find a way, so he won’t find himself guilty as well. After anger, this is the route my husband will take and I know it.