Page 123 of Mine to Worship

“She’ll kick me out.”

“Fuck! You’re right.”

“You have my word. I’m sure Kendrick, Jason, Aubrey, and Tara will look after her as well. Not to mention the security team.”

“Her parents too,” I remind him.

“Bro, get yourself checked.”

“No, this sickness doesn’t go away. Once it reaches your heart, you live with it.”

“I love you and shit, but this romantic side of yours scares me, to be honest.”

“Whatever, smart ass. Take care of my girls, and when I come back, I want to celebrate more than just my daughter’s birth.”

“The hotel is almost ready.”

“Almost doesn’t count.”

He takes a lungful of air and says, “It will be. Jesus Christ, between you and Mikaela, I’m not going to live much longer.”

“I doubt your mental stability because that woman is a consummate professional, not the monster you portray her to be.”

“She’s only like that with me, and she does it stealthily. If I die, she should be your first suspect. Don’t believe anything else you hear.”

I hang up and the driver opens the door. I climb the steps inside the jet. The crew greets me, and I unbutton my jacket and take a seat.

“Would you like something to drink, sir?”

“A bottle of water.”

With a nod, he disappears in the back, and I dial Walter’s number.

“I am on my way.”

“Call me when it’s over.”

Every hotel board member is here, even the ones who needed more persuading accepting my takeover, accusing me of immorality. They lament how things have changed but I have to know who I work with and there is nothing that stays buried once Jason and Kendrick start digging. That makes negotiations always tip in my direction.

I unbutton my jacket and introduce the man I brought with me.

“This is Sebastian, my lawyer. He is here to add some clauses to the contracts.”

“But I thought we signed everything.”

I pin the bald and bulky member with a glare. “Did I give you the impression you had a choice after what you let happen?” They mumble while I stare each of them down. It’s only with them not caring, I could have bought enough shares from Richard to get here. “I don’t give a shit when my family would have lost half of the business. You’re still getting out in time and with your pockets full.”

A collective gasp echoes in the room, followed by mumbling.

“Every one of you earns dozens of millions a year. If you think I am demanding too much, we can end this collaboration right now.”

“No, of course not,” Mark, a senior board member says with a huff.

Well, of course not, these are the real sharks, bleeding a company dry for one more drop of money.

“There are two clauses we will add in. My brother becomes the vice-president, and you will be silent partners.”

“But that would mean any decisions…”